Turkish was spoken by the first Indians to arrive in America, and there were words and words synonymous with Turkish in their language.
Indians who have undergone a heavy Adsimilation have subsequently Assimilated.It may be found surprising to Deconstruct a country that is considered the cradle of democracy with these concepts. However, it is necessary to admit that this evokes some facts. The mention of genocide here refers to the practice of Indians, and slavery refers to the practice of blacks of African descent.

In this article, the topic is discussed from the point of view of Indians.

According to the opinion of the founding fathers of the United States, the condition for creating the state they envisioned was the seizure of the lands where the Indians had lived for centuries. This situation made it necessary to systematically liquidate the indigenous population of the continent, the Indians, by various methods, in order for European immigrants to settle in the most favorable and fertile lands.

There are no written documents on the population of indigenous peoples who lived on the continent before the discovery of the American continent by Europeans. Therefore, to date, figures based on estimates have been put forward on this issue. Finally, studies conducted to explain the reasons for the 0.15C decrease in the earth's temperature in the 1600s have also yielded remarkable results regarding the indigenous population before the discovery. Accordingly, in an article in the journal Quarterly Science Reviews in February 2019, before the arrival of European immigrants, the indigenous population living on the continent was stated at 60.5 million.

No matter how scientific and accurate the methods applied, the figures put forward are open for discussion. The important point that is not open for discussion is the fact that by the 1900s, according to official estimates, the Native American population had decreased to 270,000.

Behind this naked truth lies the brutal behavior of European immigrants towards Indians and their excessive use of violence. The friction and conflicts that began from the time of the Discovery continued after the official establishment of the United States in 1776, and a period of intense violence, also called the Indian Wars, was recorded. This period resulted in the fact that the Indians lost their lands from year to year. Immigrants have taken over everywhere they want. With the help of a law passed, the indigenous people were cut off from the fertile lands where they had lived for centuries and forced to migrate to areas thousands of kilometers away, and violence was used against those who did not want to go. During the migration of the ”Trail of Tears“ (”Trail of Tears"), thousands of Indians died due to hunger, disease and poor travel conditions. Epidemics have affected Indians who are not immune to them in a very negative way, causing deaths. Migrants have even been able to think about taking advantage of epidemics to exterminate Indians. In order to condemn the indigenous people to hunger, the ways of accessing food have been destroyed. The sterilization of Indigenous women has been a method practiced for the systematic liquidation of Indians. The young Indian population, on the other hand, was subjected to a harsh assimilation practice.

As a result, he never thought about granting the right to life to American Indians of white European origin, did not hesitate to resort to any actions to eliminate them. In other words, when European immigrants set foot on the American continent, the extinction process of the Indians began.

Below are some statements of American statesmen, rulers at different levels and soldiers who support this course.

- The most frank and rude statement belongs to General Philip Sheridan, who was prejudiced against the Indians and considered them enemies all his life. This General used the phrase ”The best Indian is a dead Indian" in 1851.

- In order to punish the Iroquois tribe for attacking immigrants, President George Washington ordered the destruction and distribution of all Indian-owned settlements in 1779.

- in a statement about a tribe near Detroit that refused to leave its territory in the early 1800s, President Thomas Jefferson said, “If we have to lift the hatchet against any tribe, we will never leave it until that tribe is destroyed or exiled beyond the Mississippi. They may kill some of us, but we will destroy all of them,”he said.

- Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States (1901-1909), said in a speech in New York in 1886, “I don't want to go so far as to say that the best Indian is a dead Indian, but it's really nine-tenths like that”.

- An article in the Aberdeen Saturday Pioneer newspaper, January 3, 1890, stated: “The pioneers had at first declared that the only way to our safety depended on the complete extermination of the natives. We would have done better if we had made a bigger mistake to protect our civilization and destroyed these untamed and untamed creatures so that there would not be a single trace of them on earth than to keep making mistakes against them for centuries. That is where our future security lies for us ordinary people and soldiers under the command of incompetent commanders. Otherwise, we can expect that in the future we will have complete trouble with the Indians, as in the past.” Three days after the massacre of the ”Wounded Knee“ (”Wounded Knee"), journalist and writer L. Frank Baum wrote the above lines. It is understood that these statements are generally accepted in society.

Today, there are a large number of scholars, writers and artists in the United States who recognize that Indians were subjected to genocide. The circles opposing this claim that the Indians were not subjected to genocide, but were subjected to great hardship and cruel practices. This situation can be considered as a formula that has been found not to call what the Indians are going through a genocide. As a result, whether it is called a genocide or not, it has almost lived through the extinction process to the end, and the Native American population, expressed in millions, has decreased to several hundred thousand. The approach of the American administration to the Indians has been hypocritical and hostile from the very beginning. We also see this clearly in the American Declaration of Independence. After a brief introduction, it is emphasized that in the Declaration all people are created equal, endowed with certain inalienable rights, such as life, freedom, the pursuit of happiness, which are adopted because it is very clear what they mean. In the last part of the Declaration, the indigenous people are referred to as “Merciless wild Indians” (“merciless Indian Savages”). This last statement is widely criticized today, pointing out that the Declaration of Independence does not cover the indigenous peoples who were the first owners of these lands.

Considering the historical record of the United States, it seems that Germany is trying to purify itself by attributing the crime of humanity they have committed to others, as well as at the expense of casting a shadow on the principles of democracy, as it has done in an effort to dilute its own well-known record.


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