An American citizen of Mexican descent was born in the United States state of Kansas in 1928,
His first curiosity about history was to investigate the natives living on the American continents başlamış.ve Central Asia and Far Asia.yi
He started his research in his youth and as a result of the research he has written many books and written thousands of articles
many of these books it is located at the address.He graduated from the Faculty of history in Mexico
The author of the book Turks is WILHELM RADOLF.
His youth and upbringing were in Berlin,the HalleJena period 1837-1858.WILHELM RADOLF's great work on Turkish history and language
German Historian prof Radolf was born on January 17, 1837 in Berlin and received his Primary, secondary and high school education in Berlin.
After completing his education in Berlin, ILHELM began studying Philosophy and History at the University of Berlin in 1854
Having settled in Russia, he has done a great work on the Turkic languages and history in Central Asia and has written two books about the Turks
he has written.
Prof. Sven LAGERBRING - "Swedes are of Turkish origin. Our God ODIN is also Kind.”
Prof. Sven LAGERBRING - "Swedes are of Turkish origin. Our God ODIN is also Kind.”
The claim belongs to a scientist who was among the founders of Swedish Dec.
Prof. Swedish Turkish is Deciphered by Sven Lagerbring in his book written about 250 years ago, based on the commonalities between Turkish and Swedish, mythological similarities, he says that the ancestors of the Swedes were Turks. It is also told in Swedish fairy tales that the god Odin came from the “Türkland”.
One of the founders of the history of Sweden is Prof. Dec. A 58-page book by Sven Lagerbring, written in 1764, says that the Swedes are of Turkish origin, and the Turkish words in Swedish reveal this. Ali Nuri Dilmec, who presented the book in question to the attention of the Turkish public for the first time, but did not find any response. Who is Ali Nuri Dilmec? His real name is Gustaf Nuring. He is a Swede who was born in Malmö, Sweden in 1861 and came to Istanbul at the age of 17 and took the name Ali Nuri as a Turkish and Muslim.
Ottoman Viking with a Frock Coat
In the words of the founder of Zionism, Teodor Hertzl, “Ottoman Viking in a frock coat” Ali Nuri Bey buys the book from an auction, lends it to a friend, and can see it again after almost 20 years. And then he writes an article called ”The Strange Fate of a Valuable Book". Thus, Prof. Swedish Turkish is a language that is spoken by many people, and it is a language that is Decisively related to Turkish. However, even though the period is a Turkish History Dissertation period, there is not much focus on it. Moreover, it is Decisively stated in the book that “Odin”, one of the most important gods of Sweden, is also of Turkish origin and that “Our ancestors Odin's comrades are Turks. There are enough documents on this issue,”it is said. Let's say Odin is traveling with two wolves, and you think about the rest.
Similar Words in Turkish
Among the similar words is Dec :
ash - asch /
Read Articles in Your Inbox
horoscope - borg /
emek - omak /
lake - gidl /
yurt - jord /
kab - kabbe /
pusus - puss, krigpuss /
su - siö /
sulu - sölig
it immediately attracts attention. Abdullah Gürgün, a journalist who translated the book into Turkish with great difficulty many years later, expresses why he went to such trouble as follows:
"The goal is partnership, not separation informality...”
"...Frankly, it doesn't interest me at all who is what. The aim is not to reveal our separate ambitions, but our common aspects; to show them. It is to shoulder the efforts of building bridges between people who have been Decimated, offended, divided, Decimated and ruled by seeds of discord between them.”
The Wise and Just King
Odin, the Swedish God, was the leader of a large audience, introduced in the “Tale of Herwarar” as Tirkiar (Turks) and Asiemaen (Asians, Asian men). In the depictions, Odin's journey from the “Türkland” (Turkish province), where he has many possessions, is described in detail in the tale, and his justice and wisdom are mentioned. It is said that the kingdoms he founded were headed by his sons.
The Founder of Swedish History
Sven Lagerbring, born in 1707, became a professor of history at the age of 35. at the age of 41, he was appointed rector of Lund University, a position he held until 1769. in 1764, in addition to many scientific works, he wrote the treatise “Kinship with the Turks”. For his work, he was awarded the title of nobleman in 1769. The logo of Lund University has a picture of Lagerbring. Lagerbring's most important work, also called the founder of the modern historical science of Sweden, is the four-volume History of the Swedish Empire.
Murad Eskenderovich Adjiev is a Soviet and Russian scientist, turkologist, investigative writer. He is the author of the thesis on the Migration of Great Tribes starting from Altai, the homeland of the ancient Turks. A geographer, he has a doctorate in economics. Associate professor. He is of Kumuk descent. Wikipedia
Date of birth: December 9, 1944, Moscow, Russia
Date and place of death: March 7, 2018, Moscow, Russia
Murad Adji
Who is Murad Adji
• Murad Adji Our flour scientist Murad Adji, who was born and lived in Moscow, knew well that he was a son of the great Turkish nation. For this reason, it is not a coincidence that he devoted his entire life to Turkish history and historiography. In his biography, which he put forward in his own words, he stated that there is a folk song “Kumuk”. Moreover, Kumuk, who has a certain family of noblemen, is from the family. But until the last years in Turkey, the Kumuks did not know well who they were. In today's Caucasus, the most populous Turks after the “Apth, fqcan Turks“ are the ”Kumuks". In the Autonomous Republic of Dagestan, they belong to Chechnya, and in the regions of Ossetia they have more than 500-600 thousand inhabitants!
* Kumuks are ethnically divided into 8- 9 by their own name.they have the characteristics of the Caucasian Turkish Oguz and the Kipchak group for many years. The existence of the Kumuks in this region dates back to the Khazar Khakanate until the Khagans of Attila Huns, and even in the Kashgar court their names and existence are pointed out/ That is, the Kumuks are one of the oldest nations in the Turkish Caucasus, and their ancestors were among those who first established two Turkish States in the Caucasus. It was they who founded a powerful Kumuk Savkhallar State in the North-Eastern Caucasus (the present-day Dagestan Cecrnicnfy Oseya region) in 1443, at the time of the collapse of the golden Army State, in the 16th-17th centuries
• Let's note that XVI – XVII.for centuries, this State in the Caucasus was the only one that stood up to the Russian express policy. During this period (1560 -1605), after the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates were occupied by the Russians, the Kumuk Turks were able to resist 10 expeditions of the Russians. The Kumuk Shawhallar State (the head of state at that time was Çopan-shavhal) established good relations with the Ottoman Sultans and became part of the Ottoman Empire (the province of Dagestan). in 1605, they defeated the invading Russian army and won victory in the Left-handed battle of Karaman, uniting all the Dagestani communities under their leadership and also receiving the support of the Ottomans. After that, the Russian historian Karamzin writes that the trace of the Russians is erased in the Caucasus for hundreds of years, that is, until the expeditions of Peter the Great. As the Turkish historian Akdes Nimet Kurat and other Muslim believers wrote, if the Kumuk Turks and the mountaineers who are related to them had not had such resistance, perhaps the Russians would have invaded the Caucasus long ago.
• 19.they played a certain role in Imam Shamil's movements in the past century. For this reason, they were subjected to tsarist deportation and emigrated to Turkey as a majority and settled in the village of Yavu in Sivas with Tokat-Üçgözen /Kuşoturagi.
Are the Kumuk Turks an element that played a noble leadership role in the revolutions of Russia in the early 19th century? 1917 = 1918 The People of the North Caucasus and Dagestan are the founders of the Republic/ / Historical sources It is not a coincidence that Murad Bey's ancestors were also among the ten ranks in these historical events gostermrekfe/ For this reason, he devoted his entire life to Turkish, Turkish history Historiography.
• In 1917, during the Russian revolution, the Azeri, Kumuk, Karachai, Balkar Turks were at the forefront of the Küzey and South Caucasian community, who revolted for their own liberation, and the Balkar Turks were at the forefront. I would also like to point out that. The importance of Turks in the North Caucasus is not only proportional to their number. Because they constitute an advanced part of the people in terms of level and civilization. Earlier, with European culture (XVI century BC. azeri, Kumuk, Karachai, Balkar Turks, who have been in contact for centuries and have raised a group of intellectuals and statesmen to a greater extent than others from the Dagestan tribes, have played a leading role in Caucasian hands and in their circles. It is not a coincidence that the first Turkish University in the Caucasus was first opened in Temir-Khan-Shura, the main city of the Dagestan province, in 1917. The first Turkish magazine Tan Çolpan and Musavat Zaman newspapers were published in Kumuk Turkish in started with the publication in April of the year. In addition, Kumuk October has been declared a common language in all of Dagestan. In the North Caucasus it should be noted that Kumuk Turkish was also adopted as a unifying common language for the entire North Caucasus at the national congresses that took place.


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