for one thing, Attila is not the great huns emperor, but the leader of the western Huns. The Huns came to Europe as gojeba, the people who fled them caused the tribes to gojune I don't remember the exact year, but I'm not wrong about the 300-400 years. (you can find it on the Internet). Over time, the Huns came to life naked, and under the leadership of their leader attila they destroyed Europe and, in particular, the Roman Empire. The lands they live in are now called Hungary, and as you can understand from the English language (HUNGARY), those who live there consider themselves descendants of attila, which is probably also true. As for the Turks, Central Asia, which the Huns lived in before they went to Europe and built the largest empires in the world, is the homeland of the Turks, as we know. after that, the Huns are seen as the race of the Turks in Turkey. As a result, if you ask me, this is the answer to your question:

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Mehmet CK
18 years ago - Tue Sep 08, 2003 14:48

Hungarians have a lot to do with the Huns and the Turks of On-Ogur. The word Hungary also comes from this word, On-Ogur.

The Huns are the ancestors of the Turks, I don't have much detailed information about the relations of the Onogurs with the Huns, but the Uighurs are part of the descendants of the Huns, and the Avars are another part. The place where Hungarians live now is the same as that of the Avars. The Avars are also the ancestors of the Onogur Turks. Decoy is our son, by the way. That's all my non-detailed information.

In my opinion, we can divide the Son Turks into 3 main branches. Turkmens of Central Asia(for example, the Timur State, formerly the Selcuk Imp.), a branch of them but with their own customs attached Anatolian Turkmens (Ottomans, Anatolian Seljuks) , Caspian and Black Sea region, Eastern European Nations (Bulgarians, Kipchaks, Pechenegs, Cumans, Onogurs...)

By dec way, I gave a book talk about Timur.

1) Timur and his State, Prof. Dr. Ismail Aka

2) Timur's Middle East - Anatolian expeditions and their results (1393-1402) Prof. Dr. Yassar Yucel

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Fri Feb 04, 2005 17 years ago 23:32 pm est

listening to it from afar, it seems that Hungarian is very different and has nothing to do with ours.but I saw it on this forum or on another forum, I think there are ten hands in their language in my pocket, it's called the same as our Turkish, with a very small accent the manager was here when I was working somewhere. i told him, say it in English, tell me I have ten apples in my pocket. and he said, I was amazed.i said excitedly, I want to give him a positive turksun!! heeeeheheheh, by the way.but they don't accept us, according to them, we didn't torture them in ottoman times, we have a chat program called paltalk, there's a Hungarian room there, they'll see you in Turkish, they'll throw you out immediately, I've tried a few times.anyway, I think that with my little experience, I see them as Turks who have lost their assimilated identity, Allah tell them what else is easy.

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sat Feb 05, 2005 17 years ago - 10:56 pm est

I know it may sound a little wrong, but will Atilla Turk make us very proud if he does?
The biggest success of the guy is that he scares Rome, he plunders Europe.
Obviously, it doesn't make me proud, it scares me that we have such people in history. His empire was destroyed when he became an Atilla, for example, he could not create a tradition like an Ottoman. In the Western Huns, there were no people like Mimar Sinan, Mevlana, a country that has not left a trace like the Ottomans or the Romans, the Western Huns.

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17 years ago - Mon 06 Feb 2005, 04:17

I think it doesn't matter if Atilla is an Eskimo, after all, the Huns are Hungarians.

I think we should ask ourselves first how Turkish are we? (Here the criterion should be what we do on behalf of the country)

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17 years ago - Mon 06 Feb 2005, 18:32

Friends, we have made everyone a Turk...
It was claimed that Hungarians, Finns, Indians, even Abraham Lincoln and Elvis Presley were descended from Turks.. Even if they are really Turkish descendants, what a difference it least they're not Turkish anymore....

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Danube River
17 years ago - Mon 06 Feb 2005, 18:47

it's not about making everyone Turkish...but I think we need to know the past and our roots very well, because we are in such a strategic region that if we don't know the history well, they are squeezing our country internationally..

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17 years ago - Mon 06 Feb 2005, 21:08

tuna is right, we have made everyone Turkish in the past... But for some reason, it must be remembered that the Ottoman Empire was also a kind of ancient United States of many ethnic groups. As such, in the 1500s they reached a level that they would dominate in many parts of the world, they placed Turks in the places they conquered and tried to Turkify them, then it should not be surprising if Bush was also called a Turkish descendant, but how much of a Turk he is discussed!!

So who has grown up that we can boast of the world's acquaintances who have grown up in the last 100 years? T.In C? Is there anyone else who can think of Atatürk? In the past, Fatih Sultan, Kanuni, Mimar Sinan, v.s. it gets longer, but what about now? Tarkan? or, uh,...

Maybe Mehmet Oz, maybe Nazim Hikmet can be considered, but even they are not very well-known, is it REcep Tayyip ERdogan or not?

Who has grown up in the last 100 years? to my mind else

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17 years ago - Tue 07 Feb 2005, 06:18

Hungarian comes from the uralic branch of the uralo-altaic language group. Uralic dali is also divided into finno and ugric. Finno-Finnish and Estonian are covered. Ugric is Hungarian.

The grammar of Hungarian is very similar to the grammar of Turkish. It takes words following the endings of words like Turkish. Én magas vagyok, which means I'm tall. magas=long
vagyok=-um. Let me give another example. Turkish october April october turkish has received the suffix ki -da as well as the suffix Áprilisban.
Hungarian Turkish
én i
there is a van
o o

There are a lot of similarities like this


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