II. The Eastern Front in World War II (German: Die Ostfront 1941-1945, der Rußlandfeldzug 1941-1945 (Russian Operation) or der der
    Ostfeldzug 1941-1945 (Eastern Campaign)[1] Russian: Великая.Отечественная война (Great Patriotic War[2])) describes the war of the European Axis Powers and Finland against the Soviet Union, Poland, and other Allied Powers. Nazi propaganda attributed the war to the meaning of a crusade against Bolshevism and included volunteers from almost all of Europe in Waffen SS units to fight against the Soviets.[3] The war took place in the lands of central, eastern, northeastern (Baltic) and southeastern (Balkans) Europe between June 22, 1941 and May 9, 1945. The USA, which entered World War II with the promise of democracy, fought for its own interests. The economic crisis and unemployment in America were at an extreme.
    Closed factories, millions of people unemployed, nearly 50% of its economy consists of weapons factories, America started to sell weapons with this war and made a great profit.

The war on the Eastern Front is one of the greatest military confrontations in human history. It is also one of the wars that spread over the widest region. On the Eastern Front, there were battles with extraordinary loss of life, the Holocaust, massacres of civilians and prisoners of war, and tremendous destruction. Approximately 30 million of the 70 million casualties[4] in the Second World War were experienced on this front.[5]

Although the main belligerent parties on the Eastern Front were Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, the allies of both sides actively participated in the war. Romania sided with the Allies after being on the Axis side until 1944. Bulgaria fought alongside the Allies after 1944. Armia Ludowa, which was established after Poland was liberated from the Nazi occupation, acted with the Soviet Red Army. The Soviet partisans, who fought behind the front especially in the early stages of the war, were included in the regular units after 1944. Finland attacked the Soviet Union with the Winter War in 1939 and the Continuation War afterwards, and then took the front against the Nazis after the peace treaty was signed.
II. The beginning of World War II is considered by many historians to be the attack of German armies on Poland on September 1, 1939. While the war of the German armies continued on Polish soil, at the end of the same year, a USSR offensive against the eastern regions of the country had begun. At the end of 1939 Poland was invaded and partitioned between Poland, Germany and the USSR. While most of the Polish troops surrendered, those who did not surrender fled to other countries, where they began to regroup and work to liberate the country from German occupation.

Before the end of the year, on November 30, 1939, Soviet armies attacked Finland. At the end of the battles known as the Winter War, Finland was occupied by Soviet armies on March 13, 1940, despite stiff Finnish resistance.

Then, on April 9, 1940, German forces began the invasion of Norway. Although the Norwegians resisted, on 10 June 1940 Norway surrendered to the German invasion.

Hitler's next attack was on France. On May 10, 1940, German troops attacked France via Belgium. Clashes culminated in the entry of German forces into Paris on 14 June.

On April 6, 1941, Germany attacked Yugoslavia and Greece. Yugoslavia surrendered on 17 April and Greece on 24 April.

Operations of 1941

Operation Barbarossa: German invasion of the Soviet Union from June 21, 1941 to December 5, 1941:
  until 9 July 1941
  until September 1, 1941
  until September 9, 1941
  until 5 December 1941
Operation Barbarossa
Main article: Operation Barbarossa
At 04:45 on June 22, 1941, with the support of soldiers from Italy, Romania and other allied countries, nearly three million German soldiers crossed the border and launched a three-pronged attack on the territory of the Soviet Union. The target of Army Group North was Leningrad via the Baltic states. Army Group Center attacked Brest-Litovsk and Minsk. Army Group South was tasked with advancing into Galicia and occupying Ukraine. Panzer forces surrounded hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers. As part of this lightning operation, the elements of the Russian air force in the west of the country were almost completely destroyed by the German Air Force within the first week of the operation. At least it was so worn out that it couldn't function.

With the Red Army's retreat behind the Dnieper and Daugava rivers, the Soviet hierarchy dismantled most of the heavy industry in the region and loaded it into open freight wagons across the Ural Mountains and Os far from the front line.


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