Thousands of years ago, i.e. 200 years BC, it crossed the Bering Strait from Central Asia and reached the Americas.
      The Turkish tribes who came to America did not know that it was a new continent.
      Native American genocides until 800 BC (English Indian Genocide, Amerindian genocide, American Indian Genocide[1], Native American Genocide[2], Genocide of Native Americans[3], American Indian Holocaust[4][5], American Holocaust[] 6]; Spanish genocidio de la población indígena americana, genocidio de la población indígena de las Américas, holocausto indígena; Portuguese genocídio dos índios, genocídio indígena), after Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas in 1492 throughout the five centuries after the White Europeans and Americans It is a series of genocide committed by the continent against the Indians, who are the natives of the continent.

Massacre and ethnic cleansing, such as direct Indian massacres, deportation (forced migration) from their traditional lands, such as the Indian Deportation, and their confinement to areas such as the Indian reservation and the Indian reserve, the deliberate transmission of Old World diseases such as smallpox, which is foreign to their immune systems, to the Indians (smallpox genocide). or smallpox genocide[7]), the inability of Native American children to receive education other than their mother tongue and cannot speak their mother tongue (language genocide and cultural genocide or linguistic genocide, linguicide and There are types of genocide such as cultural genocide, culturicide[3]). The methods of genocide of the Indians include physical extermination, usurpation of their lands, cultural persecution, extermination, deportation and forced sterilization.[8][9] Genocide aimed at gaining control of economic resources is called utilitarian genocide, and its examples are seen today in the genocides of Brazilian Indians and Paraguayan Indians (especially Aché).[10] Today, unemployment rate in some Native American groups is high and varies between 50-70%.[11]

October 12, 1492 is a tragic day for the Indians, and to celebrate that day as Columbus Day means to celebrate the legacy of genocide, slavery, rape and plunder.[12] Similarly, Thanksgiving celebrations are seen as a celebration of the genocide against the US Indians.[13]

On September 8, 2000, the head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the USA formally apologized for the bureau's contributions to the "ethnic cleansing" movement implemented by the Westerners.[14]

According to article 2 of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 1948, the definition of genocide is: any act undertaken with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group: the killing of members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; the deliberate deterioration of the living conditions of the group by calculating the physical destruction that this will bring to the whole or part of the group; implementation of methods to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children from one group to another. [15]

The quote attributed to General Philip Sheridan, who was prejudiced against the Indians and saw them as enemies throughout his life:

“ The only good Indian is a dead Indian
(Best Indian is dead Indian)

BLACK PEOPLE abducting and slavery from Africa.
Slavery was historically widespread in Africa, and Slavery in Modern Africa still persists in some African countries.

Systems of servitude and slavery were common in parts of Africa in ancient times, as in the rest of the ancient world. When the Arab slave trade (starting in the 7th century) and the Atlantic slave trade (starting in the 16th century) began, many of the pre-existing local African slave systems began to deliver captives to slave markets outside Africa.[1]

Slavery in historical Africa was practiced in many different ways: debt slavery, slavery of prisoners of war, military slavery, prostitution slavery, and criminal slavery were practiced in various parts of Africa.[2] Family and court slavery was common throughout Africa. Farm slavery also occurred, particularly on the east coast of Africa and parts of West Africa. The importance of domestic farm slavery increased in the 19th century due to the abolition of the Atlantic slave trade. Many African states dependent on the international slave trade have diverted their economies towards legitimate trade powered by slave labor.
Throughout African history, there has been more than one form of slavery and servitude, and indigenous slavery practices and the Roman institution of slavery (and later Christian


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