Slavery is the possession and possession of one person by another. A slave, mamluk or servant to the person who is the property and property of another person; The owner of the slave is called master or mawla.

People who do not have freedom, are under the rule of others, and are bought and sold for money are called slaves. Instead of the word slave, it is seen that the terms concubine or concubine are sometimes used for slave, slave, slave and female slave in Turkish.
Conditions of being a slave
Since ancient times, those who were captured in war, those who committed serious crimes, those who could not pay their debts, and those who were kidnapped by pirates were considered slaves and sold in slave markets.

The children of male slaves also become slaves. Sons of concubines from their masters were not accepted as slaves in some societies such as Jewish and Arab societies. Various forms of slavery are encountered in all societies dealing with agriculture and trade. Slavery was regarded as an extremely natural social phenomenon among tribes living in Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, pre-Islamic Iran, Central Asia and Anatolia.

Prohibition of slavery
The first laws were enacted in England and the USA in the first quarter of the 19th century, in 1807, and other European states followed suit. The Ottoman Empire was the first to abolish slavery in Europe after England. Slavery in the Ottoman Empire was banned with an edict in 1847 during the reign of Sultan Abdülmecid. In 1926, the League of Nations outlawed slavery all over the world, and later the United Nations confirmed this provision.

slavery in western societies
Slavery has been an economically and socially inseparable part of Western society until the end of the Middle Ages.

In the western world; Until the moment feudalism was withdrawn from the stage of history and left its place to the bourgeois economic system, the institution of slavery had been the most important means of production due to the low productivity of labor and the extremely limited technical possibilities. There was a slight improvement in the slave life, which had extremely harsh conditions, only after the end of the 19th century. The reason for slavery was 1-ignorance 2-religious oppression.
Economic powerlessness and poverty are the main causes of slavery.


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