My Dear Brothers, We are one billion people on Earth If we unite, if we act together
     No superpower can drag us into chaos, because when that happens, if the whole world is together, no one will ever be together.
     If they act together without discrimination, no superpower will dare to rule, exploit, drag into chaos.
     If we act knowing that we are all human, without saying there is a religion difference between us, there is a language difference between us, there is a color difference.
     Nobody can crush us, nobody can ignore us, if we want, we will be the 3rd super power in the world and love, peace, brotherhood in the world
     Our goal is just to remember our past history and give each other the same love again.
     We are trying to be blocked for this. If we claim our past, if we walk together, we will win. We support each other for that.
     no one has to change the language they speak today, their race, their religion, they just say that our ancestors were Turks.
     Gene D.Matlock, the author of the book "You Are All Turkish," American Historian O People of the World, was writing this book.
     he did not write to Turkify anyone, he just reminded us that our ancestors were the same people in the past.
     Their ancestors were Turkish, the Poles had Turkish ancestors, the Nacars, the Sekels, the Gagauzs, the Bulgarians, the Karaites.
     Changes in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil and others that their ancestors are Turkish.
     He doesn't want to just know the past well, he says British History Prof Spencer Wells, while revealing the same things, should change the mind.
     He doesn't want, he just tells the truth, the truth is what matters is what we understand from it, the Afghanista incident is in our eyes.
     stays fresh Iraq Syria Libya these are the atrocities happening before our eyes if we don't see these facts Other countries
     If we can strengthen the CENTRAL ASIAN TURKISH ECONOMIC COUNCIL and participate as an observer, we will be condemned to poverty and slavery.
     We will be stronger. Hungary is Turkish, but they are Christians, the fact that they are Christian does not change that they are Turkish. Gagauz
     Turks are Christians, it doesn't change that they are Turks, all of you, stay in love, happiness and peace


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