    There is no sensitive content on our page, our page only tells about the work of history professionals.
    racism does not make an outdated post such as semitism, skullism, dear google on our pages
    The information is the information that can be found when searched in your Search engines, that is, Human on our page.
    Our articles on our page do not include attacks on personal rights and freedoms.
    Which of our registered articles is sensitive content, I would appreciate it if you could forward it to my page Swedish History prof sven lagerbring,e
    Polish history prof Jazackovski, Bulgarian prof Dinkov, Russian prof Igorpayankov vesilievich e British history prof Spencer Wells
    And O people of the world, you are all Turkish, the author of the book belongs to the American historian Gene D.Matlock, if these historians are bad
    If it is intentional, why is Spencer Wells' documentary on the walk of man on your pages? Description of Gene D.matlock's book
    How is it, please clarify this matter, regards, Facebook is doing the same wrongdoing, I see the same professors on every web page.
    I am sharing your articles, I am not facing a strange application like yours, regards


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