Today, we have reached 235 brothers and comrades on our Facebook Community page 10 million people on our 1st web page 30 million people on our 2nd web page
      40 million 250 thousand 11 people on our 3rd web page, 55 million people on our 4th web page, on our 6th web page 10 thousand people on our 7 web page
      We have reached 3 million people, there are 128 people on our other page, these numbers are real numbers.
      I extend my love and respect to all of our friends and thank them all. Our Pages 1-Argentina 2-Mexico
      3-Brazil 4-Chile 5-Uruguay 6-Cuba 7- Mindenao Islands 8-Ireland 9-Germany 10 America 11-Africa 12-Malaysia 13-Poland
      14-Hungary 15-Bulgaria 16-Russia 17-Central Asia 18-Vietnam 19-Japan 20-Korea 21-Singapore 22-Turkey 23-Azerbaijan
      24-Mongolia 25-Kazakhstan 26-Somalia 27-Nigeria 28-Congo 29-Venezuela 30-Gabartay balkar 31-Karachay is followed from Malkaria
      First of all, we would like to thank all our brave women who support us and people of all colors who support us.


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