Published by
January 14, 2025
Journal of International Management and Social Research
II. The World War is another collective war brought about by the great powers in the world. Great destruction and the mass of people
this war, which caused his death, lasted between 1939 and 1945 and affected the whole world. Dec. This work is also the Second World
There is general information about the causes of the emergence of the War and the spread of the Second World War. In the study; very
a brief evaluation of a comprehensive and broad topic is being attempted. The rise of Germany through Hitler
its passage has caused a second and great tension in the world. The arms race brought about by the First World War II. World
He also drove in the war without losing speed. Air Force, Navy, Land Forces modern weapons
by using it, humanity's society has caused its death. Especially after the Japanese Pearl Harbor incident, America
The entry of the United States into the war has changed the dimensions of the war. The nuclear weapons of the United States
its use and its application to the civilian population has been a source of shame for humanity. Besides, Hitler, like Mussolini
the tension that dictatorial leaders drag the world into, while developing weapons technology, become elements that threaten world peace
they must be here. In short, in research II. The general course and course of the World War II should be briefly explained by means of research works
it has been studied.
Key Words: II. World war II, America, Germany, Hitler, 1939.America dragged Hitler into the war and destroyed Germany, whose development they were afraid of
Together with the Russians, they have captured German War Technology Germany has been accused of genocide of Jews, while Germany has also been subjected to genocide of karay Turks of Turkish descent
After the collapse of the Caspian Jewish Turkish Empire, the Karay Turks who believed in the Jewish religion were subjected to genocide, a small number of Jews from the Semitic race died already in Germany Turkish
the world has ignored the noble karay Turks because they were killed
An Overview of World War II
World War II is another mass war that the great powers in the world have revealed. This war, which caused great
demolitions and mass death of the people, continued between 1939-1945 and affected the whole world. In this study,
general information about the emergence of the Second World War and the spread of the Second World War are included.
Study; a very comprehensive and broad review of the subject is attempted to be made. The rise of Germany through Hitler
caused a second and great tension in the world. World War I, the race of arms World War I also continued without losing
speed. Air Force, Navy, Land Forces have caused the death of the humane society by using modern weapons. Especially after
Japan's Pearl Harbor incident, the United States’ entry into the war changed the dimensions of the war. The use of nuclear
weapons by the United States and its application over the civilian population has been an embarrassment for humanity. In
addition, the tension that dictator leaders such as Hitler and Mussolini have dragged the world into, have become the
elements that threaten world peace while developing weapons technology. Briefly, the general course and course of the World
War II were tried to be explained briefly by means of investigations.
Keywords: World War II, America, Germany, Hitler, 1939.
The World War is the most destructive war seen in history, a war that causes disaster and suffering with its consequences.
20.while the century has led some people and nations to a better life, it has not been seen for many
he must have tasted pain. The history of humanity appeared at the beginning of the century 1. The negative effects of World War II
while we didn't have the opportunity to forget, the same damages 2. He had to live with the World War again.
World War II; 1. After World War II, Germany was put into difficulties by the Treaty of Versailles and
then it is a great destruction caused by the impact of the exploding World Economic Depression. Germany's
its expansionist policy, Japan's threatening policies have brought the world to the brink of a new war.
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Hitler not only changed the history of Germany, but with a war that people all over the world will hardly forget
it caused him to be confronted.
The provisions contained in the peace agreements that ended the First World War The world of the years following 1919
it has greatly influenced and shaped its policy. The most negative effects of the peace agreements
Germany has also caused a lot of repercussions. A great pressure both economically and politically
Germany, which is under it, has entered into new searches(Sander, 2016: 13,14.). Before the war in Germany, a
it is seen that the collapse period has been experienced, one of the most terrible events that prepared the collapse of 1919
these are the heavy conditions imposed by the Versailles treaty signed in 2016 (Hitler, 2016:223).
When Germany achieved a democratic order for the first time with the Weimar constitution, the Treaty of Versailles
appeared. The relentless repair debt imposed by Versailles caused inflation to grow like an avalanche
it seems to be the cause. Nationalism in Germany also emerged as a reaction to the Versailles treaty
it has come out, and the social democrats are responsible for the agreement. Launched under the leadership of Wolfgang Kapp
the coup against the government lasted only a few days and failed. After this process
It is seen that Germany is shaken by the dangers of dictatorship from the right and left
(Armaoglu, 1999:93,94).
II. The Reasons for the Emergence of World War II
After the failed Kapp coup, militaristic movements in Germany would accelerate in January 1919
in the month of, the German workers' party will be established in Munich. In September, the former sergeant major and a failed
as a painter, Adolf Hitler joined the political committee of the Party.in 1920, the National Party
It was renamed the Socialist German Workers' Party(Nazi). Undoubtedly, after this date, II. World
The name that marked his war was Hitler and the Nazi ideology he created.
It is not possible to limit the reasons that led the world to war to Germany alone. I of Italy. World
His disappointments after the war, Britain's pre-war balance policy after the war
its inability to maintain the da, the US's non-entry into the League of Nations, and it is far from the problems experienced in Europe
his desire to stay and the fact that the Soviet Union stayed away from Europe because of the revolution II. World War II
there have been other reasons (Sander, 2016: 13,14). Meanwhile, England and France did not break out of the war
they have made efforts and pursued a policy of isolating Germany. The continuity of peace
they have made the following efforts for its protection.
The Lokarno Period
The six-month Lokarno period is short-lived, but in terms of peace and cooperation, the interwar period Dec
it is called the golden age (Sander, 2016: 32-34).
The Dawes Plan is the period when Germany's debts are restructured. This time Germany is a
it brought comfort. Germany's economy has improved, the value of the mark has started to rise. Germany
at the same time, it has developed in international trade during this period (Armaoglu, 1999: 85,86).
The Locarno Treaty; the Lacorno agreements also provide security for France against Germany
it came about as a result of their work. On October 16, 1925, in Switzerland, France, England, Italy and
As a non-aggression Pact between Germany, Decrees named the Treaty of Lacorno were signed
(Armaoglu, 1999:85,86).
Disarmament and Prohibition of war; naval weapons collected in Washington
the Decoupling conference was established in 1922 as a result of the competition between the United States and Japan
he came out, he got ahead of this competition for a certain period of time. States that have to do with the region are in each other's Pacific
who have agreed to show respect to their land. However, at this conference, the United States gathered,
A treaty limiting naval weapons has been signed between Italy, France, and Great Britain. Dec. This
the importance of the treaty was that Britain shared its superiority in the seas with the United States for the first time.
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After this date, a conference on the limitation of naval weapons was held again in 1930
it has been collected. At this conference, Japan, the United States and Great Britain announced that warships with smaller tonnage will also be
they have reached a consensus on its limitation.
The Briand-Kellogg Pact; mutual Decrying the war between France and the United States in 1927 as illegal
the idea that obligations should be made was revealed by French Foreign Minister Aristide Briand
it is seen to be thrown. U.S. Secretary of State Kellogg said that this obligation is only with multilateral agreements
he indicated that it could be provided. On this situation, in 1928, the USA, England, France, Germany, Italy,
The Brian -Kellogg Pact was signed with the participation of Japan, Poland, Belgium and Czechoslovakia
(Sander, 2016: 32-34).
While all these efforts are ongoing, the World Economic depression, called ”Black Thursday", is at the beginning
he has shown it. Some banks in European countries are in financial difficulties, shares on the New York Stock Exchange
it caused a sudden drop in stock prices and then affected the entire US economy
has received. The crisis, which is not limited to this, has spread in waves and waves to other countries ( Aktan, Sen, 2001:
The country most affected by the economic depression of 1929 is Germany, which owes the most to foreign
it is seen that it is. All the measures that are being taken in Europe are trying to solve the economic crisis
he could not alleviate it. The depression eventually led nations to economic nationalism, and Hitler in Germany
it caused the birth of such a dictator.
Hitler came to power in January 1933. Germany is also on the side of Hitler's Nazi Party
There were also communists and revolutionary political movements. Until then, none of these parties are free
he did not get a majority by election. On January 30, 1933, at the suggestion of President Hindenburg
Историкът проф. д-р Стоян Динков каза: „Защо да се разделим с турците? Защо трябва да се разпадаме? Всички находки в нашата история показват, че и ние сме от турски произход.” използва фразите. „ОСМАНСКАТА СПАЗИ БЪЛГАРИТЕ ОТ ИЗНИЩЕНИЕ” „Османците спасиха българите от изчезване със своите административни и социални практики“, каза проф. д-р Динков дава урок по история на онези, които напоследък са се опитвали да насилствено насилват български български граждани от турски произход. Професорът по история, който твърди, че коренните българи са от турски произход, разкрива с документи, че някои от българските царе са от турски произход и езикът, който са използвали е турски. Твърдейки, че турците и българите произхождат от един род, проф. д-р Динков заявява, че турско-българските отношения трябва да се преструктурират от гледна точка на искреност. Според Динков отражението на това върху Европейския съюз също ще бъде положително и в същото време ще осигури по-силно участие в ЕС. „БЪЛГАРСКИТЕ...
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