TURKISH MYTHOLOGY,SINDE MOTHER WOLF(FEMALE WOLVES) Features Protects the wolves. Because the Turks are descended from wolves. Almost all Turkish tribes believe that they are descended from a she-wolf as a common belief. According to a story that first appeared in the common legend of Hun and Vusun (Wu-Sun), the little son of the Vusun khan, who was killed by the Hun ruler, was left in the desert and a she-wolf nursed him. Seeing this, the Hun khan took the child with him and raised him, gave him back his kingdom. The legend of descent from a she-wolf has reached its most competent form in the she-wolf legend called Ashina (E-China). According to the legend of the descent of the Göktürks, the person with ancestors was thrown into a swamp after his family was killed by his enemies when he was just a child, and here he was found and nursed by a she-wolf. Later, he marries her. Ten children born form the ten heights of the Göktürks. The Aşına family is a descendant of one of these children, and this family also founded the Göktürk State. The word böri is said in Uighur in the form of a Fairy. In Etruscan Mythology The Wolf appears as Ana, nursing Romus and Romulus (Remus and Remulus). It is a legend that has passed into Italian mythology through the Etruscans (Tuskis). It is exactly the same as the motif of the child fed by the wolf in the cave of the Turks. Romus and Romulus are two (or twin) brothers and founded the city of Rome. They are released into a river, and a she-wolf pulls them out of the water and nurses them in a cave. Later, they are found and adopted by a farming family. And they choose the place where they were nursed by the wolf to build the city of Rome. While circling this place, they start arguing and fighting, whereupon Romulus kills his brother Romus. Thus, he becomes the first hakan of the city state he founded. The wolf that feeds the brothers is depicted in black color. The Etruscans, or Tirhene (Turhene) by other names, are a people who came to Italy from the East in ancient times. They call themselves Rasna (Rasana). Their origins have not yet been fully determined, but it is suggested that they have a similar cultural structure to the Turks. According to the European clans of that period, they are at an advanced level of civilization, and in this sense, Roman and European societies have made great contributions to the development of their civilizations. THE WOLF IN TURKISH MYTHOLOGY:Etymology The wolf: (Kur/Gur/Kur) is derived from the root. It means strength, strength, endurance. It is also connected with the verb to save.


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