History, evidence, sources and who is the pioneer of historical research in Sweden
Prof. Seven Lagerbring says :
--. "The great Norse god Odin, hence his son Thor, even all Swedes were Turks." So what lies behind the interesting claim about these imaginary heroes, who are mythological characters?
Odin, who is called the Father of the Gods in Norse Mythology, is not only a mythological figure, but the supreme god of pagan belief. Is Odin Turk, one of the most important religious figures of the Scandinavian region along with his son Thor?
It may be a surprising question for those who hear it for the first time, but Odin's claim that even all Swedish people are Turkish is based on the claim of Prof. It belongs to Sven Lagerbring.
One of the most important figures of Swedish modern historical science, Prof. Swedish Turkish Similarities Sven Lagerbring, in his Dec. 1764 book titled, Swedish, not only explained that Odin and the Swedish people are of Turkish origin, but also described in detail the features that are similar between the two languages even today. Many other studies have been conducted that try to answer the question of whether Odin is Turkish by referring to the book in question.
Odin comes to Sweden from Tyrkland, the Turkish Homeland:
Prof. Swedish Turkish with Turkish Similarities, written by Sven Lagerbring, the book entitled The Turkish Ancestors of Swedes, described in the subtitle and considered one of the most important sagas of the Scandinavian region, Hervar Saga or Harverar Tales, also tells the story of Odin's arrival in Sweden.
According to legend, Odin departs from what we can call Tyrkland, that is, the Turkish Homeland, with two large communities called Tirkiar and Asiemaen, that is, Turks and Asians. Odin, the leader of this great mass, and those with him settle down in the land we know today as Sweden as a result of a long journey.
In Lagerbring's book, there are many definite judgments that Odin and the Swedish people are of Turkish origin. Of course, the main reference of these judgments is other important Scandinavian legends, especially the Harverar Tales.
In many Scandinavian legends, it is mentioned that Odin, the Father of the Gods, roamed with two wolves, the most important figures of Turkish Mythology.
In many images drawn about Odin, Odin is depicted together with two crows and two wolves. This situation is considered one of the most important similarities in Swedish and Turkish mythologies.
The first name mentioned in the book is Ali Nuri Dilmeç, whom the founder of Zionism Teodor Hertzl referred to as an Ottoman Viking in a Frock coat. Ali Nuri Dilmeç was born in Malmo, Sweden in 1861. Dilmeç, who came to Istanbul at the age of 17, converted to Islam and has identified himself as a Turk since then. Dilmeç's story of reaching this book is quite interesting.
Dilmeç, who bought Lagerbring's book at an auction, then lends the book to a friend and the book reaches his hands again only 20 years later.
Dilmeç, who wrote an article called The Strange Fate of a Precious Book when the book reached his hands, said, “It is also clearly stated that Odin is of Turkish descent.” he says in the book, “Our ancestors, the companions of Odin, were Turks. There are enough documents on this issue." he says he was told.
Abdullah Gürgün, the translator of Lagerbring's book, has also researched Swedish and Turkish culture for many years and has written a book on the Turkish Origins of Swedes, which was published by Kaynak publications in 2008.
Turkish Swedish and Lagerbring and Gürgün's book both mention the similarity between the words that are still used today in Swedish and Turkish languages. Dec. The similarity in the past is even more interesting.
Thor is derived from the word ’Tur‘ and Odin is derived from the combination of the words ’Ot - In'.
The word Tur, which is the origin of Thor, is also the origin of derivation, custom and Turkish words. The origin of Odin is ‘Ot - In’ and it means ‘descending fire’. The similarity between the name Odin and Paid Ata, a sacred elder revered in the ancient Turks, is also noteworthy. Dec. So much so that it is known that the famous Turkish commander Timur prayed to Pay Ata before the campaigns.
In the other Turkish HAKAN ATTILA, it is stated in the sources that he prayed to the ancestor, or god of heaven, paid in the same way before the wars
Another detail that attracts attention between the two languages is the carved inscriptions called runic Decals. It is thought that the runic writings found in Norway, Sweden, Central Asia and the Orkhon Inscriptions have a common origin. Swedish Turkish runic writings found in Sweden and Norway, but can be read neither in Swedish nor in Norwegian, are thought to be Turkish.
In conclusion; was Odin really a Turk?
Prof. If we consider the book written by Sven Lagerbring as the main reference and considering that it is the work that gives place to Norse legends in the broadest sense, yes, we can say that Odin and the Swedes came from a common ancestor with us.
Of course, it is also possible that the epics in question are works of oral tradition that were produced later after the rapprochement of the two nations. After all, it is known that the Vikings came to Istanbul.
But despite everything, the available data clearly reveals two cultures that, if not common, are at least quite close to each other.
Odin and the Swedes are Turks, Prof. who reveals that the two cultures have very similar aspects to each other with the claim that they are Turks. I have watched all the series of Vikings series adapted from Sven Lagerbring's works, his book and even this book through various researches I have done and evaluated this claim and for me Odin was Turkish. You can share your thoughts about Odin being Turkish in the comments...
Note: The legendary Viking woman in the picture is the warrior Lagertha Lothbrok, the wife of the hero Ragnar Lothbrok.
Историкът проф. д-р Стоян Динков каза: „Защо да се разделим с турците? Защо трябва да се разпадаме? Всички находки в нашата история показват, че и ние сме от турски произход.” използва фразите. „ОСМАНСКАТА СПАЗИ БЪЛГАРИТЕ ОТ ИЗНИЩЕНИЕ” „Османците спасиха българите от изчезване със своите административни и социални практики“, каза проф. д-р Динков дава урок по история на онези, които напоследък са се опитвали да насилствено насилват български български граждани от турски произход. Професорът по история, който твърди, че коренните българи са от турски произход, разкрива с документи, че някои от българските царе са от турски произход и езикът, който са използвали е турски. Твърдейки, че турците и българите произхождат от един род, проф. д-р Динков заявява, че турско-българските отношения трябва да се преструктурират от гледна точка на искреност. Според Динков отражението на това върху Европейския съюз също ще бъде положително и в същото време ще осигури по-силно участие в ЕС. „БЪЛГАРСКИТЕ...
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