'Etruscans are Turks,' he said, excommunicated
Mario Alinei, one of the most important language scholars in the world, has done a lot of research and publications about the origins of languages. With these studies, he has been honored with very important positions in the world linguistic circles. He has been appointed chairman of three international scientific boards. He has founded many scientific societies, edited many journals. Recently, he has completely come to the conclusion that the Etruscans are Turks.
He has published extensive and multifaceted evidence on this issue. Then he was subjected to a kind of excommunication by the monk community of world linguistics, and his works were tried to be forgotten. (Like the fate of the great scholar Fritz Hommel, who wrote that the Sumerians were Turks.) Despite the soundness of his theses, his exposure to this attitude can undoubtedly only be explained by the power of the mediocre and the dominant racist political tendencies in the social sciences.

I wrote another article at Academia edu and mentioned Umberto Eco and Anatole Klyosov in the last section.Such an important grammar is ignored just because he sees Turkish at the root of European languages as a result of his research. Italian English book has not been translated into English. Aref Esmail Esmailnia translated a part of it into Azerbaijani Turkish and printed it in Tabriz. This book has not been published in Turkey. We haven't even heard of Mario Alinei (1926 – 2018).

The book that interests us the most is Gli etruschi erano turchi: dalla scoperta delle affinità genetiche alle conferme linguistiche e culturali (The Etruscans were Turkish: From the Discovery of Genetic Affinities to Linguistic and Cultural Verification) 2013

I also learned Mario Alinei's name for the first time from a message sent to me by a writer named Vladimir Pajevic. Academician Gönül Yektaş, one of the rare people who read the book from the Turks, was quoted by Biancat: “He developed the ‘Paleolithic Continuity Theory’ in his two-volume work ‘The Origins of European Languages' (...), which he wrote between Dec. 1996 and 2000. With this hypothesis, he proposed that Indo-Europeans have been indigenous in Europe since the upper Paleolithic period, and their languages appeared during this period. According to the author, the homeland of the Indo-Europeans was Africa. Finno-Ugric and Altay peoples came to Europe during the Mesolithic period and mixed with Indo-Europeans. The Altay (Turkic-Mongolian) communities may have been the first to come to the West, because they were the first to domesticate the horse. In this way, it would be possible for them to travel a long distance. Contrary to common claims, Alinei proposed that the Kurgan culture was of Pre-Turkic origin, not Indo-European. Based on the Theory of Continuity, he published a book in 2003 called ‘Etruscan: An Archaic Form of Hungarian’. Turkish Altay-Etruscan is a mixture of Ural-Altaic Turkish and Ugric languages, arguing that the book, showed the similarities of these languages with each other to a great extent.

“in 2013, he published ‘The Etruscans were Turkish: From the Discovery of Genetic Affinities to Linguistic and Cultural Verification’ as a continuation of his work. It was confirmed as a result of research conducted in 2004 that the Etruscans were not Indo-Europeans and migrated from Anatolia to Italy. As stated in the American Journal of Human Genetics, the Turkish component in the gene pools of the Etruscans is three times higher than that of other populations, and their genetic similarity with modern Turks is 98%.”

"Alinei briefly describes five ancient treatises on the origins of the Etruscans. He then considers the four modern theses that preceded the genetic discovery. French Turkish diplomat and academician Adile Ayda (1912 - 1992) published a French and Turkish Dec.‘Les Étrusques Étaient-ils des Turcs?' / ‘Were the Etruscans Turks? He particularly focuses on ' (Paris 1971) and mentions that Ayda's hypotheses are compatible with his theory. In the first part of the book entitled ‘Turkish and Etruscan Similarity in the Light of Genetic Research’, the author criticizes the general point of view that started the history of the first arrival of the Turks to the West with the Battle of Manzikert (1071). In connection with the Paleolithic Continuity Theory, he states that the nomadic shepherd cultures on the Eurasian steppes during the Neolithic period were related to the nomadic Turkic-Mongolian cultures”.

"In the third chapter, the author mentions the remarkable similarities between the two cultures regarding religious beliefs, rituals and myths, including wolf legends. Dec. In addition, valuable objects belonging to the Etruscans-jewelry, architecture, horse riding, music, dance, feasts, weapons, painting themes, such as cultural products, tells about the similarities with the ancient Turkish culture by providing examples”.

Turkish - Etruscan Language Kinship Bond (Based on the results of genetic research and in terms of Turkish-Etruscan similarities)

We should also thank Aref Esmail Esmailnia, who translated an abstract from the book into Azerbaijani Turkish in a 25-page chapter. According to what we learned from here:

Mario Alinei begins to prove the Etruscan-Turkish kinship by showing genetic studies as an example. The Etruscans are most closely related to the Anatolian Turks.

In this work, Alinei mentions the Turkish diplomat writer Adile Ayda, who made the same determinations before her, with respect and importance. He states article by article that he has benefited a lot from his work.

Alinei then quotes a quote from the Greek historian Heredotus. It tells about the Turkic roots of some of the names mentioned.

According to Alinei, the arrival of the Etruscans from Anatolia to Italy began at the beginning of the Copper age (M.D 4 thousand), M .D (1. Thousand) extends up to the year. Those who come are the Altaic tribes. We understand this from the spread of horse-related cultures throughout eastern Europe on more or less the same dates. Turkish elements are dominant everywhere in the words related to this culture.

It lists the similarities between Etruscan and Anatolian cultures.Dec. He considers the similarities between Etruscan and Decrepit Turkish religious beliefs as matter-of-fact.

He explains the Turkish Etruscan - Language Similarities broadly from a morphological point of view, grammatically and by describing the commonality of the 48 words he gives as examples.


Supposedly, many Turkish readers who are interested in linguistics and history, even academicians, do not even know about Adile Ayda, the book she wrote. But the son of the hand knows this. They have been distracting us with the lie that the Turks entered Anatolia for the first time in 1071 since 1938. The honest and intelligent linguists of the West break this lie.

People like Fritz Hommel, Noah Kramer, Yuri Drozdov, Norm Kisamov, Illic Svitich tell the language and history of the Turk better than the Turk, only with true love. Of course, they are also a minority in the mediocre dominated scientific circles of the West based on ideological and political interests, and they are also being displaced.

In terms of understanding the true Turkish history and the true importance of the Turkish language, we need to approach at least the level of some foreigners who are the pioneers of this subject. Our "intellectual" cannot tell many truths if the Western-dominated environment does not approve. If they approve, more royalists than the king are starting to say that thing. At least in history and linguistics, we need to get rid of this discouragement, this Ayyamism.


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