Sky gods and teachings in Turks in the early ages of Christianity Turks with my belief in Göktanrı
                                   They spread Christianity to Europe.

ISSN: 1309 4173 (Online) 1309 - 4688 (print)
Volume 5 Issue 2, A Tribute to Prof. Dr. Halil Inalcık p. 327-346, March, 2013
H i s t o r y s t u d i e s
A Tribute to Prof. Dr. Halil Inalcık
Volume 5/2 2013
The understanding of religion of the Turks before Islam and the religion of God God
The Pre-Islamic Religion Concept of Turks and Gok Tengri Religion
Res. See. Murat Ozturk
Fırat University-Elazığ
Öz: These Turks' view of religion before Islam and the religion of the sky, which the Chinese call the Turkish religion
with lines. In general, the Turks, who are far from religious taassup, are especially up to Islam.
They have changed religion more easily than societies. However, the most common in Turkish societies before Islam
Religion is the religion of God God. Previous Studies The Gok God's religion is not fully understood and incomplete
has led to interpretation. This article thesis that the belief system of the sky God religion is the only god belief.
Keywords: Pre -Islamic Turks, Religion, Sky God, Islam
Abstract: This Study Examines the Pre-Islamic Turkish Approach to Religion and The Gok Tengri
Religion, Which The Chinese Defined As Turkish Religion. Because Turks in General Were Far Away from Religious
Bigotry Comeded to Other Nations, Pre-Islamic Turks Changed Their Religions More Easily. Neverrtheless, Gok Tengri
Religion Was the Most Common Religion Among The Pre-Islamic Turkic Groups. SOME Earlier Studies on The Gok
Tengri Religion Were Insuficient to Description This Religion and Their Caused MUSICTERPRATIONS. This Article Argues
That the gok tengri religions.
Key Words: Preislamic Turks, Religion, Gok Tengri, Islam
Introduction: Religion and Requirement
The meaning of religion
There are various opinions about the origin of the word religion. But most researchers
It is united that it is a word of Hebrew origin. The word religion is different in Arabic
used in meanings. Especially in different places in the Holy Quran, reward, provision,
It has been used in meanings such as punishment and worship.
It is a view that the word religion is accepted to Turkish from Arabic. However
Before Islam, the Turks in various periods to express the concept of religion DRM, DARM,
Words such as nam, den are included in the sources they use1
. DRM and DARM
that the words pass through Sanskrit Dharma, the word nam from Sogdca

1 Mustafa Öztürk, Philosophy of History, (Ankara: Prime Ministry Printing House, 1999) 68
Religion of the Turks before Islam and the religion of God of God 328
H i s t o r y s t u d i e s
A Tribute to Prof. Dr. Halil Inalcık
Volume 5/2 2013
The need to believe
Belief is a phenomenon of human beings in terms of anthropology, this
Therefore, it is not possible for people to live without it. In our opinion, do not believe in the genetics of man
It is a scraped phenomenon. If we go beyond the divine meaning, the need to believe is in daily life
He shows himself as a tendency to believe. Even when he was born, man can trust,
A support that he believes will protect himself looks for a embrace. This support is mother. Progressive
People seek friendships and love that he can believe in periods and find peace. But the mind,
As the logic and intuition develops, as a mother, like a mother, to accept themselves
A person seeks an entity that he can always take refuge without hearing. This is the creator of man.
Many beings in different periods of history, in different societies are accepted as the Supreme Creator
has been. Hold on the only god of divine religions, and beings like the sun in ancient times are supreme
It has been accepted as creator. We mean the need to believe any existence or
It is the tendency to accept the only creator of divine religions as a god. The god of a primitive religion or
The supreme creator of a divine religion is in the same category here. After all, a person is stronger than himself
He has always had the tendency to accept a being as a creative.
In any way, the supreme creator does not recognize or can be seen by the eye.
There are also people who upload to beings. These people, all kinds of emergence, creation
They connect to nature or objects such as the moon, sun, stars in it.
In our opinion, this is a form of belief. In one way or another, existence is again a strong person
It is connected to the object. Of course, these people burn as a nature in difficult times
We don't know if it is too distorted, even if it is very distorted
We see that he accepts it as a creator. Called atheist and in fact the total human population
When we raise a small number of people, on the other hand, argues that there is no creator in any way.
They drive. It is difficult to interpret such excessive types. We think that these people, medical science
They are entering the research area. Because this thought does not belong to human beings. Man
Ai to the structure of assets


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