,Oh people of the world, you are all Turks, quote from the book history professor Dr. Gene D. MATLOCK
Yesterday, in its first existence, mankind had not yet survived the ice age when the ice age passed
then, Central Asia (Turkestan) to Europe, the American continents and the oceanic islands in tribes
it was also mentioned in all the heavenly holy books that Noah had three sons after Noah's flood
The Turkish race and mankind descend from them the ancestors of mankind are Turks the race of mankind in the world
descendant of Jefferson's descendants the names of Jefferson's children are 1-Turkish 2-Gomar 3-Magog 4-Media 5-Javan
6-Tubal 7-Meshech and Tiras... the Turkish tribes and mankind are descended from them, this is
the ancestors of mankind are Turkish, respect the Turkish ethology


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