Preliminary (Proto) Turks
Inscriptions, ancient Chinese artifacts, religious books allow the history of the Turks to be started from one place. However, we understand from these sources and other findings, traces that the Turks lived in the world before the dates that can be determined in this way. The communities that have continued their existence until the known Turkish history are called Proto (Pre) Turks. The Pre-Turks are communities that existed in previous historical periods and have some social characteristics that were later adopted by the Turks, the origins of the Turkish language family are estimated to be spoken.
Migrations from the Continent of Mu
Mu is the continent that is believed to be the homeland of the first human being according to the tablets that have survived from ancient times and sank in the Pacific Ocean about 12,000 years ago as a result of severe earth tremors. The theory that those who fled before or during this sinking formed the first settlers in the lands of the American continent, Anatolia, Northern Europe and China, and were the ancestors of Turks and Europeans constitutes the estimated beginning of the Pre-Turks. According to researcher James Churchward, immigrants from Mu have established colonies in many places. One of these colonies was the Uyghur Colony. The Uyghur people of the colony are also the ancestors of the Celts, Basques and Asian Scythians. The Scythians (Sakalar) are also considered Proto-Turks. Mu has been researched in detail on a separate page: PLEASE CLICK TO READ
According to these assumptions, there were those who called the Turks “Noah's children”.
Atatürk's research on MU is described in a separate article linked above. Ataturk also attached great importance to the theory that the people of ancient Anatolia and ancient Egypt were Pre-Turks. As it is known, Mustafa Kemal, after the victory in Çanakkale, the Trojan commander said, “We have avenged Hector”.
The pre-Turks built pyramids long before the ancient Egyptians and spread this architecture to the world. PLEASE CLICK TO READ our article about the Turkish pyramids.
1024px-Göbekli_Tepe,about 15 km from _urfaşanlıurfa. it is the oldest known collection of cult buildings in the world, located in the northeast. It is suggested that it dates back at least 11,600 years before today. The ones found so far are 10 – 12 obelisks in the shape of a T, arranged in a round plan, Decked with a stone wall between them. Two obelisks of higher height are placed mutually in the center of this structure. On most of these obelisks, people, hands and arms, various animals and abstract symbols are depicted in relief or carved.
Potbellied 2012-1
This composition is thought to express a story, a narrative or a message similar to Stonehenge in England. It can also be an important message about the sunken Continent of Mu or the sunken island/continent of Atlantis. The similarities of the ancient Turks with the balbals, which are similar-sized, multiple funerary obelisks, and again with the stone fathers erected on tombs are noteworthy. However, in terms of history, it should be taken into account that it dates back to the periods of the Proto-Turks and perhaps even before that, the escapees of the sunken MU continent. PLEASE CLICK TO READ more extensive information.
The first written documents
The German scientist Dr . M. of Turkish culture in the information written by Wolfram Eberhard.D. III to Chinese culture in millennia; music, dance, ceramics, theater, animal training v.b. their effects on their subjects are documented. According to French researcher Maurice Curan's data published in the Lavinniac music encyclopedia based on Chinese sources, Ancient Turkish musical instruments and pentatonic (five-voice) music performance style have widely influenced Chinese culture. Eduard Chavannes, Bela Bartok, Robert Lach researchers and great Turkish Ethnomusicologists Mahmut Ragip Gazimihal, Ahmet Adnan Saygun, Ferruh Arsunar have conducted research on this subject and have revealed the connection of Turkish music culture between Central Asia and Anatolia and its impact on Chinese culture with documents. According to these researches, the important centers of Proto-Turkish culture are Sensi and Kansu provinces.
Petroglyphs are the name given to archaeological paintings made by chipping, drawing or painting on rock. Every place where rock paintings were found became a monumental tomb and a place of worship during the period when the paintings were made. Wherever the Turkish tribes have lived intensively, there are dense rock painting areas there. They carried this tradition wherever they migrated. Pictures that are indistinguishably similar to each other can be found both in Central Asia and Anatolia. Such as Urfa, Hakkari, Van, Kars, Ordu-Mesudiye, Erzincan, Erzurum, Rize, Ankara-Güdül, Siberia-Ulan Ude, Altay, Tuva, Khakassia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Krasnoyarsk, Hungary, Balkans, Azerbaijan-Gobustan. The similarity of these paintings, such as those in Ulan Ude and Kars, completely demolishes the thesis that Anatolia is a Turkish homeland after Manzikert.
Very hard granite stones are found in the areas where some rock paintings are found. The pictures here were drawn by hitting stone on stone. There are no organic residues to do a carbon test. Therefore, the actual age of the articles cannot be determined. It is understood that rock paintings have been formed over thousands of years, and each generation has excavated the events of its own period with paintings in the rocky area chosen as a mausoleum. In other words, they were not made in one period. There are thousands of years between the first picture and the last picture.Dec.
There is a Celestial cult in all the motives. There are moon and stars in the motifs in the Gobi desert. Again, the tree of life and the motifs of a woman or man holding a glass in his hand exist in every area. The tree of life is represented by a deer antler. Already, there are predominantly the most deer and goat paintings in all areas. God is not depicted in any rock painting area. It seems that the root Tengri belief has a very ancient basis. The 28 letters of the old Turkish alphabet are clearly visible in some rock art areas. No other letters were used anywhere except these.
The symbols in which the traces left by human cultures become apparent are almost the DNA of that cultural structure or they are the architects of that social genetics. In other words, they expressed their mentality with symbols. Symbols have constituted very important authentic documents in the cultures of peoples. The symbols that have survived from the times when there was no writing have mythological features, especially for Turks, beyond being both an independence and an ornament and an art object.
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