
Vikings,8. 11 with a century. they are a warlike people who have ruled on the coasts of Scandinavia, the British isles and the northern parts of Europe between Dec. The name Viking probably derives from the Old Norse word “vik” (stream) or the Old English word “wic” (camp). Nors is derived from the Old Norse word “noord” (north). In the early Scandinavian languages, the word “vikingr" meant pirate. The word Viking is used to represent a culture rather than a people. In the Scandinavian languages, this is the name given to the northern warriors. The Viking people of that period were called Nors, which means northerner in Scandinavian.
As the Vikings moved towards the west, the Varangians, who were considered a brother nation and protected the west of Byzantium, also moved towards the east. 8. with 11. this period, which took place in Europe between centuries, is called the Viking Age in history.
The Vikings are a seafaring and barbaric people. Fighters called Berserk are terrible. The current people of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland, as well as some descendants of Russia, are considered.
The Vikings, whose name means "sea warriors", are actually people belonging to two nations, namely the Varyags and the Normans.
The Swedish Variags spread eastward, IX. in a century, they had reached the Black Sea, even as far as Iran. Most of them settled in Russia, in Novgorod and Kiev, exchanging furs and slaves for silk as peaceful trade specialists. Among them, the prince Ryurik Dynasty was the XVI in Russia. he ruled until the century.

The Normans ("northern men"), who were Danish and Norwegian, embarked on the conquest of the seas to the west. These people, who were master sailors and terrible warriors, colonized Iceland, Greenland and the Canadian coast by taking over. They sailed to Great Britain on long boats with a bow shaped like a dragon's head, sailed and rowed Tuesday, the bottom was almost flat, and they spread fear and terror everywhere, plundering rich monasteries and taking heavy ransoms. The same rapid influx technique was also applied on the mainland.
The Normans, who came up from the sea along the Seine River, attacked Paris twice, one in 845 and the other in 885. The Luvar valley, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lisbon, Seville, even Italy were attacked by them (Robert Guiscard, XI. he will conquer Sicily in a century). in 911, president Rollon settled in the region, which later became Normandy, and William the Conqueror, who left here about a hundred years later, embarked on the conquest of England.
Were these Vikings, who dominated Europe for about two centuries, as predatory people as they were thought? One should not believe too much in the stories written by monks who were terrified by the attack of these putatapar warrior people. Heroic epics called to the right tell about their achievements in battles; these epics and some of the works of art they left are the best sources for getting to know the Vikings.

An Original Civilization
Although they became Christians very quickly, the Vikings kept their traditional beliefs. They were again offering sacrifices to Odin, the God of War, celebrating the demons-fairies. Because they were very well organized, they established centralized monarchies in their countries. Various items (harness, sleigh, car sets), ornamental pieces (buckles, bracelets, silver medallions and necklaces), weapons (swords, cargoes, axes) were uncovered during archaeological excavations; it is believed that the motifs of dragons, swans, horses and snakes on them have a meaning associated with magic. The streets of the fortified Viking villages were paved with wood; gravestones made of sandstone and granite with inscriptions and pictures were found in these villages.

Strengthening of the Overlordship
One of the consequences of the Viking expansion was the strengthening of overlordship in Europe. Indeed, in the face of this constant threat, the kings left the nobles free to defend themselves with their own weapons on their own territory and protect the peasants in fortified places. Thus, the overlords turned to independence and increased their power in the face of the kingdom.

Archaeological Sites
The most important research took place in Oseberg (Norway) and at a king's cemetery in Jelling (Denmark). Viking building technique was uncovered in the village of Hedeby, in the old castles of Tralleborg and Jutland. Very valuable remains were found on the island of Gotland in Sweden.

They are an ancient European tribe famous for maritime and martial arts.

The Vikings reached advanced levels in marine technologies, wood and stone carving, and poetry.

Turks and Vikings
the similarity of the alphabet in which the Orkhun alphabet is written with stone inscriptions found in Scandinavian countries, the similarities are clearly seen when we go down to the origins of the Pre-Turkish letters

A mug found in Denmark is seen in the picture. This cauldron, which was made of silver, was used for special purposes in sacred ceremonies. In the cauldron, a person is seen opening his arms from side to side and holding them high at head level as a relief. On the right side, we see another relief from the same boiler. The executive person who is cross-linked and has horns on his head, holding a snake in one hand and a ring in the other. The horns on his head and the snake he holds in his hand symbolize his strength, and the ring on his right hand symbolizes the TEN stamp. In other words, /I am the Pre-Turkish ruler integrated with the universe (sun), which has divine powers/ he gives his message. Already, in the northern faith, this person is recognized as the horned god (horned god).

also an article that appeared in the news;

In his new book, Prof Lagerbring explains as a historical fact that his ancestors were Turkish.
“Our ancestors, Oden's comrades, were Turks, ” Professor Lagerbring says in the book. The professor presents this thesis not as an assumption, but as historical reality. He quotes a number of documents confirming this thesis. In order to provide evidence confirming his theory, he goes back to Scandinavian and Icelandic fairy tales and mythologies, meets with historians. Even while insisting on the Turkish origins of the Swedes, he also says that the language brought by Oden's tribe, namely Turkish, has enriched the Swedish language with a large number of words.

He also counts about 200 words to prove the correctness of his conclusion. Oden, the output of Lagerbring's thesis, is known as the father of the nations that make up the Scandinavian countries.
It is debatable when he came to Scandinavia, but there is consensus among historians that he came from Asia.Dec. Oden was the leader of a large audience introduced in the Herwarar tale as Tirkiar (Turks) and Asiemaen (Asians, Asian men). It describes in detail the journey of Oden from Tyrkland (Turkey), where he had a lot of property…

18.Swedish Turkish Turkish Turkish Turkish Swedish Turkish Swedish Swedish Borg borga borg kab kap kappe killar kallare Swedish Kallare Emek Swedish Omak A few examples of Turkish words written according to their readings in the century: Borg (Turkish-borca), Swedish borga borg; kab (Turkish-kap), Swedish kappe killar (turkish-kiler), Swedish Kallare Emek (Turkish), Swedish Omak..

Prof. Swedish Turkish writer Sven Lagerbring, in his book written about 250 years ago, based on the commonalities between Turkish and Swedish, Deciphering the mythological similarities, says that the ancestors of the Swedes were Turks. In Swedish fairy tales, it is also told that the god Odin came from “Turkland”.

Prof. Dec., who is among the founders of Swedish history. A 58-page book written by Sven Lagerbring in 1764 says that Swedes are of Turkish origin, and Turkish words in Swedish reveal this. Ali Nuri Dilmeç is the one who brought the book in question to the attention of the Turkish public for the first time and but did not find any response. Who is Ali Nuri Dilmeç? His real name is Gustaf Nuring. He is a Swede who was born in Malmo, Sweden in 1861 and settled in Istanbul at the age of 17, taking the name Ali Nuri as a Turkish and Muslim.

Ottoman Viking with Frock Coat

Ali Nuri Bey, the “Ottoman Viking in a Frock Coat” in the words of Teodor Hertzl, the founder of Zionism, buys the book at an auction, lends it to a friend and can see it again almost 20 years later. Then he writes an article called ”The Strange Fate of a Precious Book". Thus, Prof . Swedish Turkish and Swedish parallels established by Sven Lagerbring and Decrees that Swedes are of Turkish origin come to the agenda. However, although the period is the period of Turkish History Thesis, there is not much focus on it. Moreover, it is clearly stated in the book that “Odin”, who is among the most important gods of Sweden, is of Turkish origin, and “Our ancestors, Odin's companions, are Turks. Dec. There are enough documents on this issue,”it is said. Let's say that Odin is traveling with two wolves, and then you think about the rest.

Abdullah Gürgün's book “On the Turkish Origins of the Swedes”

Or... were the Vikings Turkish?

Some of the theses in the book can be discussed, but there is one fact that absolutely cannot be skipped: the claims in question in the book are made not by any Turkish citizen, but by important scientists who have a respected place in the Scandinavian countries.

Abdullah Gürgün, who has been living in Sweden for many years and conducting research on the origins of Turks in Northern Europe, has published his findings on the Turkish origin of Swedes.

The research titled “On the Turkish Origins of the Swedes” published by Kaynak Publications contains interesting and mind-opening information. In fact, the information in the book is not only interesting, but also provocative because it leads people to research.

The research-book, in which a large number of pictures and drawings are used, attracts the stranger of the subject with this feature. Referring to numerous newspaper reports and Northern European academic research in the book, Gürgün also based the “kinship claims” between Turks and Scandinavian peoples on the Decals of these indigenous rights.

Are Turks and Northern Europeans related?


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