In addition to the belief in the “God of Heaven”, there are Muslims, Isevism and Judaism in the Khazars, who established a Turkish state (empire) centered on the north and northeast in the Black Sea basin. The Karay Turks are the memories of the Jewish Khazars that have survived to this day. The capital of the Caspian Turks, today it is 5 km from Makhachkala, the capital of the Republic of Dagestan. he was in the distance. While the Karay Turks in Crimea retained their identity, the Karays of Dagestan Decamped among the Jews. “Karaism” is of particular importance in the study of the stratification of beliefs in Dagestan.
February March 10, 1998, I Deciphered information about the Jewish Karay Turks living in Crimea from my esteemed friend Yuri Aleksandrovich, whom I visited between February 28 and March 10, 1998, and from bags full of documents that He did not spare me. I remember him with respect. We will try to evaluate this material together with their interests. We tried to introduce them, albeit by name, in our article entitled “Folk Beliefs of Modern Crimea and Crimean Tatar Turks from Giraylar to Cemiloglu”, which we prepared on the occasion of travel. In this article, we will answer the questions we asked Yuri Aleksandrovich and Y. With the help of Aleksandrovich, we included the introduction of the “Double Castle” and the “Balta Tiğmez” Karay cemetery, which we had the opportunity to go and see. Y. I would like to express my gratitude to Aleksandrovich; and to my friend Metin Ataman, who helped with the translation. The first time I learned about the Karay subject from him in connection with his work on the Khazars, Prof. Dr. M.A. Kashgirli, my Theology master's director is an expert on the subject, Prof. Dr. Sh. Kuzgun, Prof. who also spared no help in connection with my study entitled “Ancient Turkish Religious Traces in Northern Azerbaijan and Eastern Anatolia and Northern Iraq, Religious Folkloric Stratification”. Dr. A. I also remember my little teachers with respect.
Karay Turks are aware that they constitute the essence of the Crimean people in terms of blood, language and customs and realize their own ethnic individuality. Karay Turks are also aware that they have a blood and cultural connection with other Turkish peoples. The Karays also carry the right that their religion is unique and respectable for them. Crimea is known as the motherland, they respect the peoples they live with and expect the respect that is their birthright from them. When explaining their names, they say that they are known as Karai, Kerai in the singular and Karai and Karaite in the plural. They explain that the correct name is Crimean Karay Turks, Crimean Karays and Karaylar.
As for the population distribution in the territory where the Karays live, they have been living as an ethnic group in the Crimea, which is now in the hands of Ukraine, since 1246. In addition, at the invitation of Prince Danila Galitski, he moved to the Galicia region of western Ukraine and the 14th. since the century, they have also lived in Lithuania, where they came with Prince Vitovt. The vast majority of Karay Turks outside Crimea still live in Ukraine, and their number here is about 300 people. Together with 800 Karays in Crimea, their total population is about 1,100. as of 1914, the Karay population in the region was around 12,000. Under normal conditions, based on population growth, there should be 120,000 Karay Turks in the region today.
Karay Turks also live in Russia, Lithuania, Poland and France. As of today, the entire population of the World's Caribbean is around 2,400. Among the reasons for the rapid Decadence of the Karay population, in addition to hunger, wars and the fact that they are unprotected people, the main amil is the Russification policy implemented during the Soviet Union. The nationalities policy of the Soviets ended the Karay Turks. 1. Of the 700 Karay Turks who participated in the battle on behalf of the Soviets in the World War II, 500 were officers. The vast majority of them died in the wars, and there were very few Karays who could return to their families. The Karay Turks are about to disappear.
Places of worship and pilgrimage of Crimean Lands are the Balta Tiğmez-Balta Tacmaz Tomb near Bahçesaray, the Forty-place (Dzhuft-Kale/Chuft-Kale) Ancient cemetery in Kangup-Kale, the temple and Kenasalar complex in Eupatoria, symbols and stamps of the two-horned spear and shield.
The roots of the Karays belong to the Turkish group of the Alta family. Their formation as an ethnic group took place in Crimea. As a branch of the ancient Karays, it was included Decently among the tribes of the Hun Turks and the Caspian Turks. It was assimilated into Sarmato-Alans in Crimea and Partially into Goths. Among the Karay Turkish tribes; Kırks, Uzunlar, Naymans, Kara, Sarı and later Decrees that they have common roots with other Turkish ethnos; V. Alexeyev, V. Grigorev, N. Baskolov, K. . Dzhinni, M. Morelouski, B. The existence of the academic studies that Adler has done is known.
The language of the Karay Turks belongs to the Kipchak group of Turkish languages, similar to the Crimean-Tatar, Kumuk, Karachay Turkic languages. Turkish Turkish is a Polish of the Karay Language; Crimean Tatar Turkish has melted into it. The dialects of Trakai and Galitski-Lutski are similar to the Polish language). It has been provided to decipher some Caspian words through Karay Turkish.
The Karay Turks are aware of the fact that they are the successors of the Caspian Turkish culture and ancient Turkish traditions. Karays have been engaged in animal husbandry and garden agriculture in the past, they are also a military society. The way of life of the Karay Turks was mutually influenced by the Tatar Turks, Crimchak Turks, Greeks and Armenians they lived with. Communities have experienced cultural influences in collective neighborly relations. Until now, the libraries, children's educational and cultural centers built by the Karay Turks in Akmescit have provided services to all the people of the city. The preservation of religious rituals, which are the sacred gift of the Karaite beliefs, the preservation and preservation of the Karayan national cuisine are the measures of cultural value of the Karayan Turks that lead us to the period of the Caspian Turks. These are the material and spiritual treasures of Turkishness that have been continuous for ages. They form a bridge between our past and our future.Dec.
Religion in the Caribbean, that is, Karaism, is based on the doctrine of the Old Testament of the Bible. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct an independent investigation. Karaylar follows the ”10 Commandments" sensitively. Hz. To Jesus Christ and the Prophet. He treats Muhammad with respect as a prophet. The Karays have benefited from the opportunities of the state authorities of the Muslim and Christian communities in their traditional places of residence.
Crimean Khans, Galicia, Austria-Hungary, Lithuania, Poland and Russia have recognized the independence of the religious doctrine of Karaism. The Russian Imperial laws of the tsarist Russian period state that Karaism, the religion of the Karaites, “differs from the religion of the Jews. This religion has been recognized by the Russian official administration,”The phrase “From the Karaite Religion” has been put in the religion column of Karaite passports. According to the preferences of the Karays, they could also use a Christian name as a personal name if they wanted by the way. Dec. The Karay Religious Administration managed the Karaism-believing community with a “secular leader” mentality. There are obvious signs of the Orthodox church hierarchy in Yalhan (Büyük Han). According to Metropolitan Serafim; "The Karaitic religious doctrine, as accepted by the Russian Orthodox church, is considered a completely isolated religion ... the Russian government has approved the full protection of Karaism as a religion and has granted all rights to the Karai Turks without any restrictions. The statement of the proto-hierarch Simeon Starikov on the subject is as follows. “They recognized Jesus Christ as a prophet, they also recognized Muhammad as a prophet at the same level... a fountain has been built next to Kenasa, just like in the mosque. At the entrance of Kenasa they take off their shoes like Mohammedans. This doctrine is to some extent close to the first Christian doctrine.”
The direction of the Kenasas, which are the Karay temples, is towards the south-east. In other words, in Karaism, the direction of the qibla is south-east and there is an altar here. The burial directions of the graves are in the north-south direction. XIX. throughout the century and XX. at the beginning of the century, Crimea was the world center of Karaism. Before the Communist revolution of 1917, there were 11 temples and religious facilities here. Karay religious buildings were destroyed during the Soviet Russia period. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it has started to be revived now. The active Kenasas remained only in Lithuania in the Black Sea realm. Small groups of Russian and Ukrainian Cossacks, some Arabs who settled in Egypt, Israel and the United States, some Greeks who emigrated to Turkey adhere to the belief of Karaism. The peoples representing other ethnos are not in harmony with the Karaism belief. Karay Turks who believe in Karaism call the Lord of the Worlds as “Tengri” by the definition of the ancient Turkish Spirit, and rarely use the name “Alla”. The sacred relics of the ancient Turkish belief system preserve the sacred relics containing the belief. When the Crimean People were forced to live outside the Crimea, they partially christianized in France and converted to Islam in Turkey. However, they have largely preserved their ethnic identities.
Karays have benefited from some privileges under various state systems in their historical places of residence. During the rule of the Crimean Khanate state, they took part in the military aristocracy for the defense of the fortress. He was able to become a commander and held high positions. They took over the Prince's Palace Guard in Lithuania. Apart from the Christian people, the Karays were the only group that received Magdeburg rights. Within the scope of these rights, there were also considerations such as self-government and the possession of certain privileged privileges. They also benefited from the personal protection of the tsars in the Russian Empire and were able to reach high positions. All this was a result of the fact that the Karay Turks were talented.


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