Now the Turkish Century has Started in the World, there is no turning back from it, no matter how much my writings are blocked, no matter how much restrictions you put
We, that is, all humans spread from Africa to the world tens of thousands of years ago, just as we Turks spread to 21.we have started the century forces
American Polish German, Norwegian, Swedish, Russian, who explained that Turks and their ancestors were Turks, all history professors about Turkishness
We have told the whole world And reached millions of people, we have seen love and brotherhood from all of them, and we are eternally grateful for their friendship and brotherhood
I believe that the Turkish Century Ataturk is the greatest ideal of fame, a French journalist Ataturk on his journey to Adana and hata in 1928, e
he asks, He says that you have put an end to the occupation in your country, you have fought a great war of independence, what is your next goal, Ataturk tells the journalist
he says that my greatest ideal is to start the Turkish century, he says.Now according to some historians, 2.5 billion people scattered around the world 40,000 years ago
according to some, they say that three billion Turks are scattered around the world These tribes do not carry nation and nation bilici boy family tribal names
they were referred to by and they all spoke the same language These tribes that spread across the world were named according to the countries they settled in the regions they went to
They took and their memories were erased during this past time Turkishness is not a matter related to religion, people whose DNA is Turkish are Turkish
we are blood brothers When this union is achieved, no matter what religion it is, when we unite, an economic industrial force of 3.5 billion will be formed
Poverty misery all kinds of illegal life will end Imagine the establishment of joint factories, everyone is equal when using a common currency
and 2 in the world when fraternally divided.we will become a superpower when joint defense investments are made, our defense industries will strengthen China, America
We will no longer need Russia, we will have re-established the Yiwu Bilin confederation that we established 40,000 years ago, our greatest strength is our blood brotherhood
and our Turkishness will be the world, or peace and peace will come, this is not a very difficult thing to achieve, it requires political power and political discipline, and those countries
people who govern should get rich together with the people who will only think about the homeland, the nation, will they think about getting rich, that's the essence


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