Geographical conditions have a great influence on the civilizations they contain. Especially since water, which has a vital value, is a very important factor in providing appropriate living conditions, the existence and growth of civilizations have occurred in places where these watersheds are abundant.Large inland seas and hundreds of thousands of lakes large and small were formed by the melting glaciers in Central Asia.The Aral lake, which still continues to shrink by 4 meters a year today, was once a huge inland sea, while the gobi and Kizilkum deserts, which are deserts today, were previously a large inland sea.This temperate and abundantly humid climate was very favorable for the flourishing of an advanced civilization.
M IN CENTRAL ASIA.D. A BALLOT SCIENCE confederation that emerged in the 9000s is a great civilization with a deep philosophy. They believed that man had “returned to earth” in the form of GRASS (od, fire, light, energy), becoming OZ (essence, perfect) from the resort of GOD (from the heavens, the spiritual realm) and changing shape.
This person, called OT-OZ, was “holy” because he came from GOD. Everyone was equal, there was no distinction. For this reason, they determined the BUĞ who would govern themselves with the ELECTION (congress).
These people, who were governed by CUSTOMS, reached the NATIONAL level from the TRIBAL-CLAN level in a short time and established a STATE. They raised the TÖRE to the level of MEMBERSHIP and turned it into a CONSTITUTION. They had a very solid understanding of the LAW.
These people lived in the IB-IS BOLIK, studied earth-sky relations, took the first steps to ASTRO-PHYSICAL science. With their abstraction skills and creativity, they poured the language they spoke into SYMBOL-SHAPES called TAMGA, they “urmed on stone”, that is, they engraved on WALLS, ROCKS, STONES. These OT-OZ people gave the first examples of PAINTING and SCULPTURE art.
Some of them lived in the EXTREME STATES affiliated to the ONE VOTE BILL confederation... This custom came all the way back to the Seljuks. There were many EXTREME PRINCIPALITIES in ANATOLIA. The PRINCIPALITY of the OSMANOĞULLARI was one of them.
One of these EXTREME STATES is the ON OYUL. It was between TASHKENT-BUKHARA, KUCHA-YARK Dec. The river AYR (Chur) was the boundary between TEN OYUL and ONE OY BIL... This word AYR(separation) was later Deconstructed and became IRIOS in Greek. Some Western authors consider IRIOS to be the source of the word ARYAN-ARI. (Igor H. Klopin, Les Dossiers d'Archeologie, No. 185, 1993)
The other EXTREME STATE was OK-ONIM OGLU. It stretched from KUCHA-URUMQI to the middle of China.
The capital of ISUB-URA BIL was the city of CHUR in the CAUCASUS. It was dominant in the CAUCASUS and EASTERN ANATOLIA. He also brought Mesopotamia under his cultural influence. ISUB-URA means "written, registered". It indicates that this state is one of the vassal states, registered in A VOTING TICKET federation.
The title of the person who ruled these three EXTREME STATES was USUB URUSH TURUK. In other words, the ”hit the post, registered, connected, subject to BUG" manager... This person had the authority to URUUA TOUR, that is, “conscription”. This authority, which is very important for a state, was pronounced URUATRI by the ASSYRIANS, from which the word URARTU was born, and it was accepted as a state name.
On the other hand, it is believed that the word ISUB-URA has turned into the form of SUBAR-SABIR. R. GHIRSHMAN, before SUMER (M.D. 4000) records that SUBARS lived in Mesopotamia. We know that the Sumerians are the ancestors and relatives of the present Turks ... even in the Assyrian state (M.D.2000) SUBARCA was spoken. The name of the ASSYRIAN capital is ANT-UB HERCUG in PROTO-Turkic, i.e. "supreme covenant leadership”…
The finds containing unique stamps and markings found from Birobil and before are as follows:
M in Eastern Anatolia.D. rock paintings from 15,000, M.D.inscriptions are also seen from 7000 onwards. Antalya-Beldibi inscriptions M.D.7000, Istanbul-M located in Fikirtepe.D.two of the containers belonging to 6000 have ARROW and OZ drums on them. R. PUMPELLY, in his article ”Exploration in Turkestan“ (1908, Washington), "M in Ashgabat.D.he mentions that there is a settled culture belonging to the 9000s”. This culture is called ANAU. This is culture, A. According to Belenitsky (1965), M.D.5000, D. According to SCHMANDT-BESSERAT (1978), M.D.it belongs to 6000 years. But MY PROMISE is A. RANOV said, "We have examined 7 residential areas, and the first center is located in M.D. he reported that it is KULDURA in one of the source branches of AMUDERIA, which was founded in 850,000 years". (He is the director of the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnology of TAJIKISTAN ... His article, “Everything Begins in the Old Stone Period”, titled “Les Dossiers d'Archeologie” magazine 185. It was published in the issue of September 1993.)
Another center is SEL UNGUR, M.D. it is based on 250,000. Even according to ISLAMOV, his past is M.D.it goes up to 500,000. SEL UNGUR is located in the FERGANA valley in Kyrgyzstan, west of the city of OK (now OSH ). There are two other centers, both of which bear the name KARA TAU (Montenegro ), one of which, like KULDURA, is on AMUDERIA. The other is the name of the mountain that forms the west of the TALAS valley in Kyrgyzstan.
M.D. 100,000-M.D.14 places of interest among 35,000 were examined Dec. Among them there are such as KUTURBULAK, KULBULAK, KAYRAKUM Dec. Since BULAK means "eye, spring", it is understood that they settled at the beginning of water sources in high valleys. Later, they landed on the shores of OM-OG KÖL and established coastal settlements. KAPIK-KAGAN (KAPAGAN, SAMARKAND) is also among the first residential areas Dec.
There are about 100 settlement centers in the region stretching from the auspices to the ALATAU(Aladag ) and ALTAI Mountains to the BÜKLI DESERT (Gobi). One of the most important places is the TAŞIK TAŞ CAVE. The cave is located on BAYSUN Mountain, south of SAMARKAND. Here, it was seen that stone was used as a building material for the first time, and evidence was found showing that the existence of a “superior power” was believed. We will discuss this issue in depth in another article.
One value residential area is the ROCK TOP PAINTINGS in the TAMGALI ISSUE M.D. it belongs to the 30,000....
PICTOGRAMS (symbolic images) M.D. to 20,000, while PETROGLYPHS (images containing writing elements) are M .D. it carries the date of 15,000. The OT-OZ sintashes found in the valley and steppes of the ULU KEM river belong to the same dates again. (M.D. 15000)
Another source for the existence of a structure that started from a dream is Atlantis and the continent of Mu teoremleridir.Mu the foremost defender of the continent theorem,James Churchward devoted his life to this subject and researched the Continent of Mu and its Civilization mentioned in old world legends in 20 different countries.He started his studies in Central Asia and Tibet and continued in South America.He emphasized that the information on the naccal tablet he studied in a temple in Tibet is the same as the information in the Mayan epics, and even that the language used is a language from the same root that is very similar to each other.According to the information given by the Glacier During his era, the Mu Civilization lived between Indonesia and the Philippines Australia had a very high level of civilization. Dec.Such as telepathy, clairvoyance, double incarnation, astral travel, extraordinary abilities, which can only be seen in some psychics and mystics in our civilization, were present as ordinary abilities in the Mu.Traveling by vehicle, even judging by Aztec and Mayan legends, Aircraft and Helicopter-like vehicles were also used.The technology that came to the fore was based on being able to use the essential assets of nature, which we call natural technology today, in the most efficient way.According to the continental Churchwarda, the M coincides with the end of the ice age.In the 12,000 years BC, it was buried in the ocean with a population of 64 million people.From the migrations made from the nations that make up the current world civilizations and from thanks to those who survived etmiştir.Mu the first and most powerful colony of nun outside is the UYGHUR Empire, as Churchward calls it.Since UYGHURISTAN was also established geographically, he called himself UYGHUR, which is an example of Europeans not being able to use the word TURKISH in good works.However, the Uyghurs living in ku Uyghuristan today were actually communities living in the Central Siberian region in ancient times, M:After S 7, as a result of their wars with the Kyrgyz, they settled in what was then called Inner Turkistan, which we call UYGHURISTAN (East Turkestan) today.So M is .Just as there were no Uighurs living in Uighuristan in the 12,000 years B.C., its current name was not Uighuristan.
There was a monotheistic religion on this continent 70,000 years ago. At the same time, the Mu people began to establish colonies on other continents, and the largest empire outside the motherland was the Uyghur Empire, whose capital was located in the region where the Gobi Desert stretches today.
According to Churchward, the Uyghur Empire was the element that controlled all of Eurasia and continued the rule of Mu on the mainland.Again, according to Churchward, the community that European ulsu called the Aris were none other than the Uyghurs( TURKS).Anyway, the items belonging to the Mu religion explain everything.
The teaching of the Mu religion was undertaken by priests called Naakals and they had a teaching based on symbolism.
The essence of the Mu religion was based on the belief in the oneness of God and the belief in being constantly reborn for spiritual development.
The religion in Atlantis is nothing but the monotheistic religion of Mu.
The word "Ra" meant the sun, which the sun symbol expressed by a circle was used to symbolize the Only God they did not want to give a name and epithet, they called "He“; the Mu emperor was also referred to by the name Ra-Mu in the sense of ”Mu's sun". The word Ra was later carried to other continents and to Egypt through Atlantis.
We mentioned that the only God we mentioned on our page who is unique and has no partner is called "OK-ÖK-ÜK", we mentioned that the Turkish name Türk-Ük means rabbani türk, and Churchward says the same.Their expressions also follow the öztürk language. They called the god they did not want to give an epithet "He" and symbolized this word with "He". That symbol was also the shape of the Sun.
Although the written languages were different among the Mu people consisting of four races, their spoken languages were common.
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