Mu, which is allegedly located in the Pacific Ocean. [1] the legendary sunken continent. There is a consensus[citation needed] in scientific circles that there is a myth like Atlantis thanks to the accumulation of knowledge about plate tectonics. According to Levja tectonics, the SiAl (silicon/aluminum) rocks that make up the continents "float" on the SiMG (silicon/magnesium) rocks that make up the ocean bottoms. No SiAl rocks have been found at the bottom of the Great Ocean to prove the Mu continent.[citation needed]

For the first time posed by James Churchward[1], [2]is an advanced civilisation where there is a continent in the Pacific Ocean on the past a variety of opinions about the existence of a document[3] and the results in [4], although they are available in prevalence among archaeologists did not go beyond an opinion or conjecture hasn't won yet. Rumors that the Turks also came from the Continent of Mu have also been added as conjecture. Mu Continent, the first president of Turkey M. It was investigated by a team established on the instructions of Kemal Atatürk.

Churchward's Claim[edit]

According to Churchward,[5] his research into the Mu civilization began when he read the Naacal Tablets, written in a very ancient language, found in the archives of a secret temple in Western Tibet, which he did not name. According to him,[6] he also learned the ability to read these tablets from a Tibetan priest who was also in that temple. In the following years, Churchward became a mineralogist and archaeologist, Dr. He worked on tablets unearthed by William Niven in Mexico. According to Churchward,[7] these 2600 tablets, discovered during excavations near Mexico City between Dec 1921 and 1923, were written in the Naga-maya language, which he had learned in Tibet. According to Churchward, [8]these tablets were more than 12,000 years old.

The opinions of those who defend the assumption [edit]

The views of James Churchward, who went to more than 20 countries and collected data about the Mu civilization for about 50 years, and those who support the Mu assumption about the Mu civilization can be summarized briefly as follows:

* The continent where man first appeared on Earth is the continent of Mu.[9]
* The Mu continent was a large continent consisting of three landmasses, stretching from north to south for 3000 miles, and from east to west for 5000 miles.[10]
* The islands that make up the Polynesian, Micronesian and Melanesian archipelagos today are probably pieces of land left over from this continent.[10]
* This continent was buried in the waters with its 64 million inhabitants about 12,000 years ago due to the explosions caused by the gas chambers located under the continent.[11]
* There was a monotheistic religion on this continent 70,000 years ago. At the same time, the Mu people began to establish colonies on other continents, and the largest empire outside the motherland was the Uighur Empire, whose capital was located in the region where the Gobi Desert stretches today.[12]
* The teaching of the Mu religion was undertaken by priests called Naakals and they had a teaching based on symbolism.[13]
* The essence of the Mu religion was based on the belief in the oneness of God and the belief in constantly being born again for spiritual growth.[14]
* The religion in Atlantis is nothing but the monotheistic religion of Mu.[15]
* The word "Ra" meant the sun, the sun symbol expressed by the circle was used to symbolize the Only God they did not want to give a name and adjective, whom they called "He“; the Mu emperor was also referred to by the name Ra-Mu in the sense of ”the sun of Mu". The word Ra was later carried to other continents and to Egypt via Atlantis.[16]
* Although the written languages were different in the Mu people consisting of four races, the spoken languages were common..[17]
* The Mu people were much more advanced in spiritual fields compared to today's civilization.[18]
* Extraordinary abilities such as telepathy, clairvoyance, double incarnation, astral travel, which can only be seen in some psychics and mystics in our civilization, existed as ordinary abilities in Mu.[19] (This is not the opinion of Churchward, but of some of his audience).[20]

* The most important reason for the collapse of the Mu civilization is that it could not survive the period of turmoil experienced during the transition from one stage to another, called stimulation. (B.According to Ruhselman)[21]

In general, there are no archaeological or anthropological findings to support any of these claims. Claims about the religion of Mu, its colonies (for example, the idea of a colony of the Uighur Empire) and how the Mu continent Decayed[citation needed] have also not received general acceptance among those who defend the Mu assumption, and there are different opinions.

Suggested sources [edit]
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The sources that Churchward used and claimed to support his thesis are as follows:

1. Dr. The 2600 tablets discovered by William Niven between 1921 and 1923, which are now in the Museum of Mexico. Dec.
2. The 'Troano Manuscript', an ancient Mayan book prepared in Yucatan. It is located in the British Museum.
3. Another Maya book, the Cortesianus Codex. Today it is located in the National Museum of Madrid.
4. The “Lhassa Document”, claimed to have been discovered by Paul Schlieman in a Buddhist temple in Tibet.
5. Inscriptions in the temple of Uxmal in Yucatan (Mexico), which Churchward suggests was built in memory of the sinking continent of Mu. The inscriptions in this temple have the expression “it was built to preserve the memory of the Western countries, the place where we came from”.
6. 96 km from Mexico City. inscriptions of the Pyramid of Xochicalo, located to the southwest. This pyramid, according to the inscriptions on it, was built “in memory of the destruction of Western countries”.
7. The Perezianus and the Dresden codices.

Researchers named Auguste Le Plongeon and Brasseur de Bourbourg also conducted research on Mu during the same period as Churchward; according to some,[22] Le Plongeon raised the issue for the first time. Archaeologist Egisto Roggero, baron d'espiard de Cologne, Hans S.Santesson, J.After Churchward, they are considered among the important researchers interested in the subject. Dec. According to Mu researchers, the huge remains on the islands in the Pacific Ocean, left over from the continent of Mu, most of which are not inhabited by people, are also claimed to support the assumption of Mu. [23]

Various findings that are suggested to support the existence of the Mu civilization are as follows:

* The discovery of the Pacifica plate, where mountain ranges lie on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.The Great Ocean floor analysis map,National Geographic
* In the researches carried out in the Polynesian Islands, one million-year-old paintings and reliefs have been found in the caves on the islands that are not inhabited by people.
* In the Carolin Islands of Micronesia, giant ruins have been found that few populated natives could not make.
* From the Carolinas Islands, on the island of Ponape, where a small number of locals live, the height of its walls is 10 ancient temple, huge chipped basalt blocks and a pyramid have been discovered. II. Japanese divers who dived off the coast of Ponape before World War II reported seeing coral-covered streets, stone domes, columns, stone monuments, house ruins, inscribed stone slabs and platinum coffins on the seabed and extracted some platinum. Finds of Ponape
* There are thousands of basalt columns on Nan Madol Island, not far from Ponape, most of which weigh up to ten tons, the installed structure of which is carried off the island and continues under the submarine. Nan Madol finds
* On Easter Island, some weigh 50 tons, others 33m. there are hundreds of giant statues on the neck, which are claimed to be impossible to make by the inhabitants of the island, some of these statues have written tablets that cannot be read by the locals because they do not have an inscription. The United States announced that when the first atomic submarine entered the waters, an abnormal mountain formation was detected on the seabed off Easter. The same statement was made a little later by Prof. from the University of California.H. W. It's from Menard.The size of Easter statues
* There is an arch or monument consisting of 70 tons of stone each on the Tonga Tabu Islands. The nearest stone to these islands is 250 miles away. Tonga Tabu ,Tinian,Nan Madol, Tahiti,giant ruins and pyramids
* in 1938, the brothers Bruce and Sheridan Fahrestack found a 40-ton monolith excavated with unknown letters on Vanua Levu from the Fijian Islands.
* There are quadrangular-based pyramids and columns all over Tinian Island. Tinian Pyramid
* There are pyramids in Western Samoa, Guam Island and Kingsmill. Pyramid of Western Samoa
* There are pyramids on Swallow Island, 120 miles west of Ponape.
* There are giant sculptures on Pitcairn Island. Pitcairn sculptures
* There is a stone road of unknown age built with huge stones in Rarotonga and Mangaia from the Cook Islands to the west of Tahiti. There are no January quarries on either island.
* Canals supported by walls have been discovered in Kusal, Marshall Islands.
* 38,000-year-old fabric fragments have been found in Borneo.
* Mummies older than Egyptian mummies have been discovered on the island of Cambier.
* 20 m in Rimatara.'s columns have been found.
* There are giant castles and statues in Rapa.
* There are cone-shaped marble columns on Marianne Island.
* There are giant walls in Lele.
* There are giant ruins in Kuki.

However, none of these claims provide evidence for the Mu myth from a scientific point of view.

Migrations from Mu [edit]


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