Turkish Altay is a subgroup of the Ural Altaic language group spoken by the Wikings and their inscriptions are in Turkish.The wikings, a nation of warriors
He left the world amazed that the Wikings were a Turkish people wikins had two important gods and their names
It is a Turkish name.(THOR)TOUR (ODIN)OT-IN historian prof SWEN LAGERBRING 1764.Sweden, te sweden is synonymous with Czech Turkish
he saw that there were words in Sweden,and noted that the Chinese language is also a language included in the Ural Altay language group.His Ancestors were Turkish
odin, the gods of the Wikings,explained that he was of Turkish origin.He Deciphered the similarity and harmony between the two Languages.
Iceland Norway Finland Denmark recorded that their ancestors were Turks.
Swedish Turkish word for “pond surrounded by land on four sides” is the same, but an old word in Swedish. Nowadays, the word ”sjö" is used more and more.

We are looking at the 1100-page book Det Svenska Ordförrådets Ålder och Ursprung (The Age and Source of the Swedish Vocabulary) by Olof Hellqvist, a professor at Lund University in Sweden, written in 1929. For ”lake“, he says, ”it is a lonely Swedish word of Old Northern (Urnordiska) origin".(2)

Swedish Language Development Institute (Institutet för svensk sprakvard) President, Professor Gösta Bergman in his book The History of the Swedish language, earlier in Scandinavia, had spoken the same language, but even after 1000 years after 600 years and mainly Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic language is the difference, he says. This common language is called Urnordiska.(3) Even today, the Scandinavian peoples are able to understand each other, good and bad. They take care to hold their conferences between them Decently under the name “Scandinavian (Skandinaviska)”. Turkish English In 2008, the Nordic Council (Nordiska Rådet) decided to protect “Scandinaviska” against English and to work towards making it a common language (dari per the Turkic-speaking peoples).

Again, Prof. We are looking at Olof Hellqvist's two-volume Swedish Etymological Dictionary (Svensk Etymologisk Ordbok), which was published in 1993. Norwegian Finnish Icelandic ”gil“, Norwegian ”gyl, gjöl“, Finnish ”kulju“, Icelandic ”gil“, Norwegian ”gjöl", Norwegian "gjöl", Norwegian "gjöl", Icelandic "gjöl", Norwegian "gjöl", Finnish "gjöl", Finnish "gjöl", Norwegian "gjöl", Norwegian "gjöl", Norwegian "gjöl", Norwegian "gjöl", Norwegian "gjöl", Norwegian "gjöl". In addition, place names derived from this word have been mentioned in Scandinavia: Göljahult, Gölyaryd, Göljemåla, Gölinge...(4)

Prof. Hellqvist does not know that the “lake”, which he calls the Swedish word of Urnordiska origin, is a Turkish word also used by Uighurs living in China. Swedish Turkish is also not aware of the book Similarities between the Languages written by Sven Lagerbring, the first history professor at the Institute of History at Lund University, written in 1764. Dec. If so, Prof. He would have known that Lagerbring had not only coined the word “lake”, but more than two hundred Turkish words in Swedish. So how is it that “lake” and other Turkish words spoken in Central Asia can be found in the language called Old Northern (Urnordiska) 2000 years ago?

We will look for the answer in the old Norse sources.

Sweden's first history Professor Sven Lagerbring (1707-1787): “Our ancestors are Turks.”

It is clear that anyone who says that the Swedes and, by extension, the Scandinavians are Turks will be viewed with suspicion. So let's get to know the person who said this first.

Who is Professor Sven Lagerbring?

He was born as Sven Bring in southern Sweden in 1707. He studied at Lund University. he became secretary of the Lund Academy in 1741 and professor of history in 1742. he was rector of Lund University in 1748, 1755 and 1769. in 1764 the little Bref till Cancellie Rådet och Råddaren Herr Joh. Swedish Turkiska Språkens Likhet (Letter to the Undersecretary and Knight Mr. Johan Ihre about the Similarities of Swedish with Turkish) wrote the booklet Ihre om Svenska och Turkiska Språkens Likhet (Letter to the Undersecretary and Knight Mr. Johan Ihre). In 1769, five years after he wrote this book, he was awarded the nobility. He was now both undersecretary and knight. A “Lager” was also added to the surname. It became "Lagerbring".

Lagerbring is a well-known, respected historian. He is considered the father of modern critical historical research in the field of Swedish history. He is the first professor of history at the Institute of History of Lund University, Sweden, and therefore there is a picture of him on the Institute's logo. His bust is erected in the university garden, his paintings are hung in the halls. He was born on February 24, 2007, the 300th anniversary of his birth. his year was celebrated in Lund, Uppsala and Stockholm. Seminars and conferences were held on many topics. 300. in an introduction prepared for the birthday celebration program, the following words stood out: “Nowadays, critical approach to sources and search for facts have gained a different content, aimed at serving the desired results. For Lagerbring, however, the truth itself was important, regardless of the outcome. The date had to be reliable. At the same time, it was necessary to convey the teachings that would make a person a person from hand to hand.”

Prof. Sven Lagerbring

Prof. The most important work of Sven Lagerbring is the four-volume History of the Swedish Empire. He wrote and published this 4-volume history book called Swea Rikes Historia från Dec åldsta tider till nårvarande (History of the Svea Empire from the Earliest Times to the Present) between 1769 and 1783. With these books, each of which has at least six hundred odd pages, he was able to arrive only until 1460. His life was not enough for him to finish the fifth volume. Professor Sven Lagerbring died in 1787. the eighty-page chapter, which can be dated back to 1467, was published in 1907, long after his death.

In the first volume of the Lagerbring history book, he describes the Viking history, which was ruled by Oden and his dynasty, the kings of Ynglinge, until 1060. The most important basis here is the Scandinavian mythology, myths, fairy tales and epics collected by the Icelandic politician, historian, writer Snorre Sturlesson under the name Edda. In the introduction of his book, he questioned their reliability and concluded that they were reliable in the light of the information given by various local and foreign historians before him and coinciding with what Sturlesson had told. According to both Sturlesson and Lagerbring, Oden and its people are Turks and Asians.

In a letter to Councillor Johan ihre Swedish language about the similarities and Mr. Knight and his book, a history book without writing wrote 5 years ago, and the writings of Oden and those with him are Turkish sturlesson <url>, Northern Myths, Tales and legends based on and wanted to prove. Turkish Swedish Deciphered the similarities between the two languages and the other two languages. The booklet ends with a request from Johan Ihre to express his opinion. In a recent note, the author adds that he also applied to Sven Johan Munthe, professor of Greek and Oriental languages, and was verified on issues related to the types and structures of languages.(5)

the 300th anniversary of his birth in 2007. this issue was never mentioned in the celebrations of the year. As if this book is not known at all, it is unknown. Or he is silent about it.

I asked the Institute of History at Lund University if there were any studies on this subject. Did not have. Prof. The response of Håkan Hallberg, one of the staff of the Department of Manuscripts and Music at Uppsala University, where all of Johan Ihre's works, letters and writings are archived, was as follows: “Ihre responded to this letter on December 17, 1764. It is believed that some language issues are discussed here. This must be the letter you're looking for. Unfortunately, this letter has been lost. Friendly greetings.”

Prof. Johan Ihre

Johan Ihre, the most respected professor of etymology and a member of the Swedish Academy of Science at the time, wrote a letter to Prof. We will not know -at least for the time being- what response he gave to Sven Lagerbring. However, Ihre also later, in 1772, Prof. There is a booklet that he wrote in the form of a letter to Sven Lagerbring: Bref Till Herr Cancellie Rådet Sven Lagerbring Rörande Then Isländska Edda (Letter to the Undersecretary and Knight Mr. Sven Lagerbring about the Icelandic Edda). it's a 43-page booklet. Because he, like Sven Lagerbring, believed that Swedish was brought to the North by Oden. In this letter/booklet, Ihre explains his views on the Edda, which was collected and written by the Icelandic politician, historian, writer Snorre Sturlesson. He compares the translations and editions made in different places and times, the stories told with different sources and focuses on the points that he finds true and false. As a result of these, he treats the Edda as a literary work, not a historical document. He says that in the first part it is shown how to write Icelandic poetry, in the second part it is shown what topics the Icelandic bards are dealing with, and in the third part, which has not yet been translated into Swedish, very interesting information is given about letters.

In this 43-page booklet, Prof. Johan Ihre's short but important sentence draws attention to the following: “I am sure that Odin and our ancestors came from the same place.”(6)

Odin is Turkish and came from Turkey


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