Atatürk's Great Offensive orders have been published
The historical documents of the Great Offensive and the Battle of the Commander-in-Chief's Square, which the Turkish army under the command of the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk began on August 26 and ended with victory on August 30, are carefully preserved in the Presidential State Archives.
Head of the Presidential State Archives Prof. Dr . Uğur Ünal, in a statement to the AA reporter, described the great struggle leading to victory with his documents.
August 30, 1922, and in order to see the process leading to the Great Offensive, it is necessary to look at the political and social conditions of the period, Unal said that August 30 constitutes the last part of the military phase of the War of Independence.

Explaining that the Decimated occupation of Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman Empire, and many regions within its political borders by the Entente States, has deeply injured the Ottoman society, which has not lived under the political influence of other states and governments in history until that day, Ünal said the following::

"This frustration, exhaustion and pessimism experienced by the people had largely taken over the society. The systematic brutal practices of the occupying armies in order to keep the Anatolian cities under control and many inhuman behaviors were preparing the psychological infrastructure that would lead to the sprouting of a sense of national unity and togetherness in the Anatolian people. In a significant part of society, resistance, liberation, re-establishment, the hope of a beautiful future was beginning to blossom and form, but the method and consensus were not yet at this stage."

Uğur Ünal, noting that many officers, especially Mustafa Kemal Pasha, are trying to motivate the people to a new resistance, said, "Mustafa Kemal Pasha's 9. As an Army Inspector, his movement to Samsun in 1919 and the rallies and congresses he initiated in Anatolia later led to the formation of a new assembly outside Istanbul called the National Assembly. Of course, Mustafa Kemal and the leading military commanders of the National Struggle, who were aware that the occupied territories of Istanbul and Anatolia could not be saved only by protest and political struggle, were leading the creation of a regular army." said.

Pointing out the importance of the associations and societies of the period, which slowed down the progress of the occupying forces in the occupied regions in this process, motivating the nation and society at the point of resistance, Ünal said, "Gathering all the military searches for salvation remedies at one point under one roof, of course, is only possible in the middle of 1920 with the establishment of the regular army. Although these seem to be short December dates, it is not possible to measure the breaks they have experienced in the memory of Turkish society with the concept of time., "he said.


Internal Medicine Deputy Fethi Okyar was sent to Europe for the last time to call for peace, but there was no response in European diplomacy, Unal explained the military operation and offensive process that came after the blockage of diplomatic channels as follows:

"In mid-August, upon these negative news from Fethi Bey, Mustafa Kemal Pasha gave the operation order that they would go on the offensive on August 26. The Greek army was very heavily defeated in the fighting that began on August 26, 1922. This war would allow the end of the occupation that had been going on for many years. One of the most important achievements of the National Struggle is undoubtedly the Battle of the Commander-in-Chief or the Battle of Dumlupınar. Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Pasha conveyed the details of the battle to Applicant Rauf Bey with a telegram from Dumlupınar."

This telegram started on August 26, the Battle of Afyonkarahisar Dumlupınar Square ended on the morning of August 31, 1922 and contained the details of the battle, Mustafa Kemal Pasha's statements in the telegram quoted as follows:

"The war continued for five days and five nights without interruption. 1 In the first 36 hours. The army repulsed the enemy who occupied the 100 kilometer line. The enemy who has been defeated has abandoned his existence and has become miserable in the streams and forests. Hundreds of enemy soldiers have surrendered. In this battle, a significant amount of war material was captured from the enemy. Only one division fought on the front, 25 cannons, 140 freight cars, 17 passenger cars were captured. During the enemy's escape, our cavalry attacked the Greek soldier with cannon shots and a lean sword. On the other hand, combat and reconnaissance aircraft also attacked from the air. In the face of these attacks, most of the enemy's army was defeated and the continents were torn into two by mixing together. Thanks to all this successful offensive, all the enemy continents abandoned their positions and began to withdraw."


Ünal, giving information about the path that Mustafa Kemal Pasha followed after the dissolution of the Greek army and scattered military units began to flee irregularly to the West, said, "At the beginning of September, Mustafa Kemal Pasha famously said, "Armies, your first goal is the Mediterranean. His terse historical order in the form of "Forward" is aimed at following the Greek armies and completely sweeping them out of Anatolia." said.

Mustafa Kemal Pasha, in his address, "The Armies of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey! In the Afyonkarahisar-Dumlupınar Great Square Battle, you destroyed a cruel and proud army in a short time. You are proving that you are worthy of the sacrifices of our great nation. The great Turkish Nation, which is our owner, has the right to be sure of its future. I am closely following your achievements on the battlefields. I will constantly fulfill my duty to convey the appreciation of our nation about you. I want everyone to show all their efforts with the possibility that other challenge wars can be fought in Anatolia. Armies! Your first destination is the Mediterranean. Forward!"these important documents of our recent history are kept in our Archive under appropriate conditions. Thus, future generations will be able to draw the necessary lessons by examining our historical heritage left by the national struggle cadres who entrusted this homeland to us., "he said.

Ünal stated that half of the Greek armies were destroyed in the offensive operation and the rest fled towards Izmir, "However, it should be known that the Great Offensive or the Commander-in-Chief's Decider resulted in a decisive victory of the Turkish side, on September 9, Turkish troops entered Izmir, and all Anatolian cities were liberated from enemy occupation in a row. The Council of Ministers, Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Pasha and the Anatolian Army for the historic success of the 28 We see in our archive documents on the date of August 1922 telegrams of congratulations,"he said.


Stating that after Izmir was cleared of the enemy on September 9, 1922, Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Pasha issued a declaration starting with the address "The Great and Noble Turkish Nation", Unal continued as follows:

"Mustafa Kemal Pasha stated that Izmir and Bursa were liberated on September 9 in the declaration and said, 'The commanders of the Greek Army have been taken prisoner. The Greek Army, equipped with the weapons of the West, became helpless wounded. They suffered more than one hundred thousand soldiers casualties. They left all their military supplies in Anatolia. The skill and strength of our armies have shown themselves in a way that will cause terror to our enemies and safety to our friends. The armies of the nation destroyed a huge army of the enemy in fourteen days. They made an incessant pursuit of four hundred kilometers. They took back all the occupied territories in Anatolia. The liberation of the homeland began at a time when the will of the nation unconditionally prevailed over its own future, and only with the armies born of the conscience of the nation did it reach definite results.'said."

Ünal, until he came to the Great Offensive, in fact, from 1912, the lands were the scene of large and bloody wars, stating that::

"An entire country has fought on three continents for ten years without interruption. Tens of generations without educated education, hundreds of thousands of soldiers, as well as the human resources of society, have been wasted in these wars. However, their efforts and lives have not been in vain either. I. A young Republic was born from the bosom of the Ottoman Empire, which lost the World War II, ended its political existence and occupied all its territory. This Republic also knew how to surrender its right to everyone who worked in the establishment process. One of these honorary methods, perhaps the most important of them, is the Independence Medals awarded to those who protected their bodies in the founding of the country. If we look at the specifics of the Great Offensive, the decision of the Grand National Assembly of the Council of Ministers dated March 29, 1923 can be cited as an example. We see that 429 people who had a share in the pursuit of the enemy and the liberation of the Anatolian lands from the enemy occupation were awarded the Independence Medal in the first place."

Uğur Ünal, the head of the Presidential State Archives, emphasized that the foundation of modern Turkey took place with great sacrifices and said, "The spirit of unity and Decency that holds the Turkish nation together in the process of National Struggle is becoming even more important these days, as we approach the centenary of the Republic. Victory anniversaries are a great historical opportunity to remember the spirit of unity and togetherness." he made his assessment.

On the other hand, previously unpublished images were used in the Great Offensive documentary prepared by the Turkish Historical Society.


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