american research author Gene D., who came to Turkey to give a conference this week. Matlock rekindles the thesis that 'The origin of the whole world is actually the Turks' with his interesting claims that he also included in his book 'O People of the World, You are All Turks'.

Matlock, who spoke to Mine Akverdi from THE EVENING SUNDAY, also provides striking evidence for his thesis through many sources focused on religion, language, history and culture in his book. Can the ancient Turks be the ancestors of all people? Would you believe that the Mayans and Aztecs, Indians, Russians, Indians, Arabs, British, Italians and Northern Europeans were all told that their origins were Turkish? Well, I wonder Hz. Abraham, the Prophet. Moses, the Prophet. Jesus, the Prophet. Were Muhammad and Buddha also Turks? Are all religions derived from the Tengri religion of the Ancient Turks? These are confusing, but not so interesting, difficult questions to answer. However, one researcher answers 'yes' to all of these questions. And he presents the proofs of the truth of his claim in his book 'O People of the World, You are All Turks'. Interestingly, the owner of this thesis is not a Turk, but an American: Gene D. Matlock.

July Turkish edition of Hermes Publications published 'O People of the World You are All Turks / Secrets of a Lost Civilization Can Change the World' in the book 'O People of the World You are All Turks' Gene D. Matlock says that the first people started with the Turks and then spread throughout the world, the first language spoken was Turkish, science, philosophy and religion were born from the Turks again. For 65 years the origins of Christianity in Mexico and the Native Americans lived in Mexico for many years engaged in research on the origins of both Matlock's religious books, mythology, culture, traditions and language, especially in the light of evidence obtained by combining the science of the tips offered is startling. we met with the 81-year-old Matlock in Istanbul, where he came to give a lecture, and talked about his stunning claim.

You are saying that all the people in the world came from the Turks. What led you to do a study on this subject? Many years ago, I was very upset about the poor treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis, and I started researching the history of the holy land and the origins of the religions here, which these people could not share. I've been writing this research on the one hand. As the research progressed, everything took me first to India, and then to the north of India as it got deeper. No matter what I threw my hand at, I finally came across Turks as the source of everything, and Turkey and Central Asia as geography. Because when I examined it carefully, I found that Israel was not mentioned in the Old Testament (the 39 books that make up the first part of the Bible, including the Torah and the Psalms) and the Bible. The ones mentioned in the holy books were actually compatible with Turkey. The legend of Noah's Ark, the Great Flood... they all had their origins in Turkey and the Turks. And this showed me that Turkey was where humanity began. We humans are wrongly conditioned to see Sumer, Greece, Egypt and China as the ancestors of all civilization.

EVERYONE CAN TRACE THEIR GENERATION BACK TO THE TURKS, so how come the Turks are the ancestors of all mankind? A few thousand years ago, there was a highly civilized people living in abundance in a paradise in the Arctic region... All religions in the world say that there are five original races of humanity, regardless of which nation they belong to. These five races were called Kurus, Krishti or Krishtaya. And the place where they live is called Aden in Judaism and Christianity. Hindus call this place Uttura Kuru. Ancient Greek historians and mythology, on the other hand, refer to it as a Hyperborea. Tibetan Buddhists, on the other hand, call it Khedar Hand (the land of the God Shiva) and Shambala. At the same time, this place is also called Sivariya and Siberia in the sense of the land of the God Shiva. The garden of eden, where the new first people lived, is the Siberian steppe. The first human being here, Adam (spelled Adam in English), is used in the Turkish language in the sense of 'human being'. As a matter of fact, the aryan race (aryan) with a high intelligence and civilization here is Turkish. The fact that the Turks call themselves Kipchaks, Kurus or Aryans is also evidence of this. But, as it happens in many different religions and mythologies, these people are cursed and experience a natural disaster, with a sudden deviation from the earth's axis, the place where they lived was frozen, there were large floods. The Kurus, whom we now call the Turks, were forced to flee to the south and Central Asia. This was the Great Flood that was described. Noah and his sons, who continued the lineage of humanity, also came from this background, that is, they were Turks. The belief that Mount Ararat, where Noah's ark ran aground, is Mount Ararat in Turkey also proves this. Thus, humanity, descended from the Turks, was scattered throughout Turkey, and further down into Mesopotamia and India. Therefore, the Sumerians, Hittites, Iraqis, Kurds, Indians, Egyptians were all actually Turks. Descending from the Arctic, they spread throughout Northern Europe to Sweden, Finland, Great Britain and all over the world. Today, everyone can trace their generation back to the Turks.

What can you show as evidence for this? You can see that everything from the language used in all corners of the world to beliefs and god names come from the same origin as the language. This shows that all religions and languages come from one source: from the Turks! You can find words of Turkish origin from people's names to place names from the UK, Finland, from place names. There is a place called Kırkpınar in Finland! There are thousands of Turkish words in Urdu language. The Mahabharata, the Sacred Book of the Indians, actually tells about the history of the Turks. The name of Zeus, the great god of the Greeks, is also in Turkish. The origin of words such as Jerusalem, Jesus is actually Turkish, and moreover, these mentioned places are actually not in Israel, but in Turkey, Jesus also lived on these lands. On the other hand, in recent history, the DNA of the Celts (Irish, Gauls, Scots) has been studied and it has been proved that they came from the Altai. The Vikings, the Phoenicians and the Etruscans, the indigenous people of Italy who lived here many years before the Roman Empire and are considered the founders of Rome, are also Turks. It has been scientifically proven that the DNA of the Etruscans is 97 percent the same as that of the Turks.

YES, INDIANS ARE TURKS It is a frequently stated claim that the Indians in America are also Turks.... Yes, Indians are Turks, they say this themselves. The similarity in their culture and traditions is obvious. In particular, the Cherokees, who are from the Meluncans, who say that they have Turkish descendants in America, are in very close relations with Turkey today.

You make these claims in many parts of the world. So, what are your reactions like? Everyone used to laugh at me, but now the situation is changing. The indigenous peoples of America, Indians, Mexicans respond very positively to this thesis. Most of them agree. But Americans or Brits in the US don't like it very much.

What do you think would happen if the world accepted this? Believing that we are all brothers, all the problems and unrest that humanity has reach a solution. The world will be a better place.

TURKS, NOT SPANIARDS, DISCOVERED AMERICA 'Many place names on the American continent are actually of Turkish origin. The Turkish word Tea (god)+ Tiwa (Tuva, which is a Turkish name, also has a republic today) + Han (the Turkish word for kingdom) is derived from the ruins of Teotihuacan in Mexico. The pyramids in the ruins of Karal in Peru are older than those in Egypt and are derived from the word king, which means 'ruler' in Turkish. Many words of Turkish origin are also used in Mexico today. For example, mountains / hills are called hills in Mexico There are cities called Atatepek, Maraudepek. There is even such a place as Havasu. When the Spaniards first came to Mexico and asked the Aztecs which god they believed in, they answered 'Believe in it'. This is also the name of a goddess in Ancient Sumer. So, Dec Sumerians and the Aztecs believe in the god of the same name, despite all the distances between them and the ocean. Moreover, the Mexicans and Indians called the Turks 'Karaskus' with the same word. So it was not the Spaniards who discovered America, but the Turks first. After all, numerous examples such as these show that all civilizations in all corners of the world have passed through Central Asia and carried the religions, languages, cultures and beliefs that we have in common everywhere from here to the whole world.'


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