Ataturk 30 August The second battle of the Bashkir andan M eydan M uhareb
on the anniversary of the anniversary (August 30, 1924), when describing the battles in the Anafarta
he sees and shows success in the superiority of morality and culture. "Your military action
moral and cultural superiority was also required for its success...”
If culture is considered not only as a mass of knowledge, but also as a whole of thoughts, knowledge, attitudes and skills, this definition of Ataturk means
reaches. The cultural structure of the TSK officer and private will ensure the victory of August 30
it had the following characteristics.
The level of culture and the cultural environment have characteristics appropriate to their specific structure
it can be productive and efficient in the fields. X I X th century for the industrial revolution
The UK cultural environment could have been fruitful. The Renaissance could not be seen in any other cultural environment, except for the environment in which it was formed. From these examples, it can be concluded that each development can take place in a cultural environment suitable for its own characteristics.
Is military service an element of culture?
The meaning that culture has reached today has become widespread in everything that man realizes, except for nature. Culture is a field of human activity. The basic element of military service is a person with his skills, knowledge, abilities, greatness and all other social characteristics. Military service is an area that takes advantage of human knowledge and abilities to the fullest and by forcing. Culture-human relationship,
they are united in the military-human relationship.
By taking advantage of the technical developments of G reputation, it is possible to
it can be done, the ability to use them is gained, the knowledge and experience to determine and apply tactics and strategy can be accumulated, but only in a cultural environment suitable for all this. Culture is also one of the main foundations and most important sources of military service.
* Atatürk is the President of the Higher Institution of Culture, Language and History.
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There are all areas of military service based on thinking and practice
it is influenced by the cultural environment. In addition, in matters related to military service,
the results that can be obtained may be limited to cultural values appropriate for military service and may show a level dependent on these values.
Military service is influenced by the cultural environment in which it is formed, developed, as well as the content of this environment, influencing and shaping it. Military service can only have values that correspond to the cultural environment of society;
it can exist at the level of cultural values; it can influence the values of society with the characteristics it has. No one, even no institution, can free itself from the influence of the cultural environment in which it grew up, nor can it isolate itself from this environment. In the formation of culture, family, environment, education
the environment, the military service January, the working environment, the living environment have their place and value separately.
Undoubtedly, military service is one of the areas that sources culture. This is especially the case for our nation. It has a place in the formation of culture
kadar is influenced by the formed cultural environment and finds a shape according to it. Military service has a place and contribution in our knowledge, thinking structure, attitudes and skills that we have.
Before and after the X century, military service, as a professional of the profession
who continues to serve in the armies of foreign nations -Chinese, Arab-; permanent
who founded the army a hundred years before the shipwrecks; who has the technical and tactical superiority based on military service up to two or three centuries ago, on a global scale; who uses the land with grooming, grooming, bass system, economy, general
management, combining military needs, ensuring integration around security requirements and development policy; transition from empire to national state
who performs; an example for all oppressed nations through the struggle for the establishment and
a society that is a pioneer should also not be excluded from the cultural totality of military service.
O rdu folks, our feature is not a call we make to ourselves.
Thoughts and attitudes in the field of military service have continued to influence the whole society for centuries as part of our culture, military culture
it has been able to be the dominant culture from time to time and place to place. Civilian with military function
the function has been used until recently (II. M ahm ut) in the same person in the local authorities
he was packing. When studying the elements of culture in such a social order
ignoring the place of military culture and military culture in the general culture
this can cause a deficiency.
A SK E R L I IN K Ü L T Ü R Ü M Ü Z D E K I Y E R I 3 5 1
Ataturk considers the army to be “an expression of the Turkish unity, the unshakable foundation of the supreme existence of the state” and the “national disciplinary school”. "The army lives in the nation and
existence is a form of will. ” As many as those who were on the front of the whole nation
he asks them to take care of the war in terms of feelings, thoughts and actions.
Atatürk is the statesman who best describes today's wars. "Harp and
a war means that two nations, not just two armies, but all the assets of two nations, all their material and spiritual forces, are facing and fighting each other. " Atatürk sees the army as a whole with the state and the nation. The institutions created by people are a product of culture. Military service is also a cultural product that bears the characteristics of the environment, the environment in which it is formed.
It is suitable for the technical level, the whole and the cultural environment of each period
it is necessary to create a military structure and constantly develop this military structure in accordance with the needs that will maintain its topicality. Considering that military development and cultural changes will be in close shopping at every stage
it should be taken into account and harmony should be sought between the two Dec.
We cannot exclude an area that takes shape according to the structure of culture and greatly shapes the structure of culture, except for the elements of culture. Due to their mutual interaction, it is necessary to consider the military service as a subunit within the field of culture.
When studying the historical development of each of the military subjects,
sources related to various aspects of my culture are encountered, military
interesting Dec can be identified between the elements and other elements of culture. October 19, 2013.
A brief review of our military history, focusing on the impact of our culture on the uz, will clarify the issue.
The beginning of the history of Dec and the number of states established by the Turks to date are among the topics discussed. She is rdum long
in order to investigate its occurrence and development, we need to find a beginning for its history or clarify this issue to the extent possible.
The first finds of type O and type z were found in M .He . it belongs to the year 3000 and is located in the Altay Mountains
it has been found. The establishment of the Empire of H un, the first known Turkish political organization, is M .He . it is 22o.
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H un Emperor (Yabgu) M ete (Mau-du) is one of the ten thousand people at the time of the hike
the established divisions were divided into thousands, hundreds, and assigned commanders to them
has been. Based on this result, which has been determined by Turkish military history scholars, we should start studying our army history 2200 years in advance.
It is also difficult to accept that in reality the Huns suddenly appeared as a political entity. It can be assumed that Turkish societies, whose existence was known before the Huns, also have a political structure that is appropriate to the conditions of the day, based on family and height relations, has a dominant social character.
The Türk Ceremony (Type), which is seen as a customary law, also covers the principles of private law and public law at the same time. This ceremony, which the Turks aimed to dominate the world, made the communities at that time social,
it has the power and structure to shape it economically, militarily and politically.
To find a beginning for our history and my army with our today's information
power. But it has become clear that it is much older than two thousand years.
Our general history alone cannot explain the formation and development of the Türk O rdusu. There is a geography in which this history takes place, and geography is the history of Timk
it has also shaped the history of the Turkish army until now. Social geography,
we are thinking with October economic, physical and political sections and we are considering the history of this idea
we have to add the time element as well. In this case, the issue is a geopolitical one
it reaches an understanding.
He founded the RTA on the Geography of Asia, the United States but not the Pacific
He has reached such great obstacles as the kyanusu, the Urals, the Caspian Sea, the Altay Mountains, Tibet, and has now reached safe, natural protected borders
they were able to provide complete geographical integrity. When they had such a large territory, the administration became difficult due to the transport and communication deficiencies of the day, and these large states that were established were soon divided or dispersed due to the influence of some other reasons. As for the states established in a part of Asia that are based on natural borders, there are four
neighbors who are next to one another, to get a share when this state is weakened,
when they became stronger, they united to ensure their safety against him. This situation is faced by all multi-neighbor intra-continental states.
as a result, endless wars were going on on on all four sides of the established state. It is also described in the inscriptions of O rhun that war was fought on all four sides. “ The person cedlerim Bumin Khan and Istemi Khan over his son
if the provision is narrow, when the provision is narrow, the administration of the province, type of the Turkish nation
they did, they arranged it. Four sides were always enemies, four by releasing an army Tue
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they made the people on the side obey.” The same topic is covered in the inscriptions on the monuments of Tonyukuk.
Since then, the Turks have had the first problems of finding a living space and ensuring their safety, they have thought accordingly, accordingly
it has been organized, its value provisions, customs, customs and traditions have been formed in a way that will ensure this goal. The same effect is observed even in their language and alphabet.
1290, which was used in a study conducted on 43 inscriptions left over from the Turks
of the word, 142 (11%) are related to military service.1 Maximum after military service


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