The similarity between the Turks, who created civilization in Asia, and the ancient civilizations living on the American continent, starting with the Mayan-Aztec-Decmek civilizations, has reached surprising points on many issues.

The similarity between the TENGRI (that is, the god all over the universe) in the symbol known as the Hittite Sun in Asia and the symbol of Dec Maya and Aztec god Quetzalcoatl is worth comparing. Especially if we consider that we are reading the name of this god as “the holy one”, the semantic and symbolic similarity increases significantly. (The holy story has the same meaning as Tengri)

There are other pleasant similarities with Turkish in the names of Maya and Aztec gods.

Chac: So “High Five” is the Mayan god of lightning and lightning. This word, which is read in the form of a high five, still exists even in our language in the form of “Lightning flashed”.

KinichAhau: Maya is the sun god. Kinich or Küniş is almost exactly the same as the Turkish word “Güneş”. In the old Turkish belief, the name “Künhan” Güneş-Han is one of the names given to the holy sun. The closeness of the words Ahau and Han is remarkable.

Xiuhtecuhtli: he is the god of fire and time, has a double duty and can be read as a double blessed.

Tezcatlipoca: Tez = fast, Folded = moving (moving) and with the transformation from B to P, the word Bora may have taken the form of “poca”. Tezkatlıbora is the god of wind.

Xochiquetzal: She was the goddess of beauty and flowers. If we accept that the word “quetzal” is sacred here, that Xochi is very, in this case, the name “Multikutsal” has appeared.

The Turkish similarities between the words used in the Native American language listed below and the Turkish ones are really remarkable. Dec.

Yat-ki: the house that sleeps
Tamazkal: Jul, stay clean
Yanunda: Yanunda
T- day: long
Misssigi: Egypt
Tepek: Hill
Hu: hi
Type: ceremony
Tete: dede
Shot-ka: shoot
Ash- embers: cooking
Yu: water
Yu-mak: wash
Köç: migration
Tekun: tekin
Atag: ata
Some floppy: green
Cakira: çakır
Kun: Day
Atapaskan: the name of the Native American tribe
Ata-Hualpa: the name of the last Mayan king
Names of Mayan cities: Kalakmul, Uaxactun, Kopan

Turkish is the most common language used by Indians. Apart from these few examples where Native American words and Turkish are compared, the French linguist Dumesnil has found that the 320 words used by Indians are the same as Turkish. The Historian Ord.Prof. Dec to DenisSinor's research, there are very serious similarities between ceremony, culture, belief, religion, symbols, language and traditions. According to some scientists and historians, serious evidence has also been detected in genetic studies. (Unfortunately, our resources are limited because gene research is usually conducted in secret in terms of ethics.)

Dec to historical studies, the similarities listed below have been identified between Native American traditions and Turkish traditions.

Navajos, Sanis, Ocibyas from the blond Indian tribes who have Bozok tribes, just like the Torkoms, wear a crescent-shaped necklace called Tork on their necks made of bone. Many Indians use these ”Torques" as a large Lunar star pendant covering the chest, placing a star in the center of the crescent moon.

The Mayans refer to their language in the same way as our expression in Mayan. It is understood that the name “Yuka-tan”, which is one of the important settlements of the Mayans in Central America, comes from the Yoktan region of Turkestan. This region was the settlement area before the Sumerian Turks migrated to Mesopotamia…

Another Polish dialect of Maya used the word OGH for BIZ. This word is also Pre-Turkish. Because we know that the Turkish lengths of Asian origin are called On-OK, Boz-Ok, Three-Ok. Just as the word OK here means US and conveys the meaning of community and height, we see that the executive person addresses himself as OKH. When Native American rulers encountered whites, they would raise their right hands and say OGH or UGH. So “I, who am the manager, (we) greet you (you)”.

Captain Cook, who set foot on the island of Tahiti, found out in 1769 that the Indians called the Turkish name from the flower they wore on their heads.

It has been established that the languages of the natives of Rotuma on the islands of Fiji are the Altaic language. In addition, it has been understood that the languages of the Indonesian islands are also from the Altay languages.

Instead of the word doctor, they used to say Ah-men, Kak-bak the broken dislocator, Ah-bak the healer, Ah-bak the midwife who gave birth to a child, first-alan-zah. Indians, like all Altaians, call each other uncle, father, aunt, aunt, brother. The custom of kissing hands was established in the Maya Indians in 1878.

Mohawk Indians know 11 of the 12 Anatolian games, including the long donkey game. Wrestling, on the other hand, is practiced as the most important ancestral sport that begins with prayer in all Indian tribes.

The twine game played by Anatolian Turks by stretching twine between fingers is also played in the Atapaskan and Keçuva tribes Dec Moreover, the figures and names are the same. If a figure is called a star in Anatolia, it is also called a star in the Indians.

The Incas called the root family “Ay-ullu”, that is, the great lineage, but they called their rulers Kur-Hakan.

The Incas did not name their children until they showed heroism. Naming was done by ceremony, and a person could have a dozen names and names until they died. (One of the stories of Dede Korkut recalls the story of the Bullock Khan.)

The Incas bear a great resemblance to each other by the Legend of Cappadocia. Atay (Atav), the ancestor of MANCHOKAHAN (Kapan), survives a disaster alone. He takes refuge in a cave covered with rocks. A wolf gives an ”Er- Ak-Koca" luminous stone. With this, Atay melts the rocks and becomes the head of his people. Jahangir establishes a state. In addition, the Legend of the Creation of the Kyrgyz and the Kalavela Legend of the Finns of Turkish origin are the same word for word as the legend of the Indians. ( Ergenekon Saga )

Burning henna is practiced in all Native American tribes, such as the Altaians of Anatolia and Central Asia. The gable kertmesi ceremony is a common ceremony in the same way.

The Logusa woman was considered sacred, like all Altaians. They used to make forty of the logusa. They bury their dead, like all Altaians, in the “Kur-gan” with their weapons and horse. Feuding was practiced as a ceremony.

The Mayans gave vaccinations every year on the anniversary of their death, and men put black paints on their faces at funerals.

The god of pregnancy and fertility of the Toltec Indians is Tez-Storey Poka( Tez-storey bull ). In the Indians there is the concept of the bridge of heaven and heaven. And they used to call paradise a paradise wherein streams flow.

It has been established that the Siukizildians performed rituals similar to the Bektashi semahs by drawing “Hu” in their tribes such as Papiti, Muhave, Kalamat, Shoson, and Irok at the end of 1870.

It has been established that a kopuz-like reed was used in the Incas. Aztecs and Mayans drink a drink called Ç-şıra ( syra ). And the Incas called this drink Çira.

All these Asian languages are related to Turkish. All of them also derive from a common root language. We can also call this root language Pre-Turkish. But Russian linguists have found it appropriate to call this root language Nostratic.

There are many publications about nostratics. But unfortunately, our native linguists never lean on Pre-Turkish, they do not conduct research on this issue, as well as underestimate and ridicule those who do.

Finding and extracting this interest or relationship is both a pleasant endeavor and allows us to gain a deeper knowledge of the world's languages. For example, the word ”Yeast“ means ”root, the main ore" in Turkish. Brewer's yeast, brewer's yeast are words that we all know. Currently, the Maya culture means “Root culture” in Pre-Turkish.

In addition, the name ”Aztec“ also has the meaning of ”Little but one", that is, a culture that has its own when it is divided into two syllables in the form of az-tek. There are few words in the ASIAN lexicon, given the z-s transformation. The word Asia also means ”Little-story". The word "story” means “residential area”, and the word “village” that we use today is "OK-story" (Ok's residential area).

The name OK was a name given by the Pre-Turks to themselves and their own rulers. Since this topic is a fairly deep topic of research, I will mention it further.

I am of the opinion that the name of the ATAPASKAN language group is nothing but the form of the Ata-President in Pre-Turkish. Linguists Decry such analogies and always ignore them as “coincidence”. However, when there are many coincidences, they no longer become coincidences. The name of the last Mayan king was also Ata-Hualpa. The proverb Hualp carries the meaning of Hu-Alp ( Supreme ). Another group that lives in North America and still exists is called ANASAZI. When we separate this language group into Pre-Turkish Mother-Word (mother tongue ), its meaning becomes clear.

Let's look at the names that the Maya culture gave to their cities. Some of them are: the cities of Tikal, Palenque, Kopan, Kalakmul, Uaxactun and Altun-Ha, or rather, they are residential centers. Now let's look at these settlement names, respectively:

Tikal: ”Teki l" means unique, singular. Because the root word "Tick“ is Pre-Turkish and means ”one". We find the only mention of it in Native American languages as TEAK. In Greek, the index finger is called a ’Dahtilo', which was formed by the transformation TIC =>TEK =>TAH =>DAH. The tool we call a typewriter means ”working with fingers". In Latin, TE (you) means ‘second person singular’. Here, too, there is a second-person meaning, denoted by the index finger.

Palenque: The original P sound is the B sound. In other words, this city name, which is read as Palenk, has changed from the word “Barik”. It is also known that the transformation from R to L is also very common. Barik, on the other hand, means “Shelter”, that is, “a place with a location”. The name of the first settlement area established on the Turkish side of the Asian continent was “Başbarık”, that is, “Baş-settlement”. The main settlement is “baş-şehir” in today's language.At times, there have been “Besbarik”, “Besbarik” and "Besbalik". However, it has nothing to do with either the five or the fish.


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