1-A person is a type of living being who questions, thinks and researches, and therefore he questions and researches the unknown
2-Learning To investigate what you have learned and find the truth is a human phenomenon.My greatest curiosity today is the history of mankind
It is an ideal that makes me question and it is the place of the Turks here What did the Turks do before the birth of Jesus
There are many people in the world who will say what it will do for you to know this, but I feel like I will hear it after I find out
I began to look at people around the world with more love, to love people regardless of their religion, peace of mind in this world or peace of mind
he'll bring the brotherhood.For example, a century ago I got to know SWEN LAGERBRING, who took part in the creation of the Swedish national history
i understood from him and his work that the language used by Sweden is Turkish.Sweden,Norway,Denmark, and the Vikings
I found out from this professor that there are Turks.Polish Turkologist and Historian ZAJACKOVSKI said that the Ancestors of Poles were Turks
I learned that Languages such as Swedish are a language based on Turkish from the American Historian SPENCER WELLS.
in the documentary of the march, he learned that Turks and black people are related to Bulgarian History prof Dinkovdan That Bulgarians are Turks
I found out about the Russian historian Prof. IGORPAYANKOV VESILIYEVICH,I found out that there is no such race as the Circassians, the ancestors of the Circassians are the Turks
i found out that it is.O PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, YOU ARE ALL TURKS, the author of the book Gene D.matlock is the Turkish version of all people in the world
I found out he's related to Matlock Gene D.Matlock is widely used in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico,Paraguay and other South American peoples
I found out from these videos that he is related to the Turks, so one of us doesn't have to be a brother of religion to love the same language
you don't need to talk the most important language in the world is the language of love fraternity peace because you will understand me very well when you read it
i am sure that you will start questioning and researching, and you will find true love, peace and brotherhood


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