The Most Important brotherhood is the blood brotherhood For centuries, Muslims have slaughtered Muslims because they are of different sects
He strangled and slaughtered a Christian Christian for separate anointing, now it is possible to talk about the brotherhood of religion
No, it's not because the most important thing in them is only the anointing that they believe in, Now there are billions of Turks in the world
Some Christians scattered over it, some Muslims, some Jews believe in their religion, billions of Turks have forgotten their languages over time
They forgot about the celestial tengri, belonged to different races and religions, and peace and peace were not achieved in the world again
wars and massacres reign over the world again it's about believing in blood brotherhood because blood brotherhood is everything,
because they don't know the history with humans, because they know their ancestors differently, they continue to continue this massacre today
for him, we should all share the same opinion together
Wars of religion are wars that arise because of conflicts of interest of different religious views. The general reason for the wars is that a group belonging to one religion aims to suppress people from another religion or wants to spread its own religion. Islamic conquests, the French Wars of Religion, the Crusades, the Reconquista are examples of religious wars seen in history.
Augustinus was the first to define the theory of just war within Christianity and laid the foundation for the concept of wars of religion. 7. the concept of jihad and gaza, which appeared in the XVIII century, are also concepts used for religious wars in Islam.
In the War Encyclopedia prepared by Alan Axelrod and Charles Phillips, 7% of the 1763 wars, that is, 123 of them, are religious wars. Of these 123 wars, dec6 are between Islam and Christianity.
1. Christianity
1.1 Crusades
1.2 French Wars of Religion
1.3 Thirty Years' Wars
1.4 Taiping Uprising
2 Islam
3 Bibliography
4 External links
Christians fought wars in the name of God. The warrior troops were also generally called the Soldiers of Christ or the Knights of Christ.[1] Christian soldiers believed that God and divine forces would help them in the war.
The Crusades
Main article: Crusades
The Crusades, with the support of the Pope and the Vatican, took place in the 11th century. and 13. it is the Christian influx that has been going on for centuries. At the beginning of the expeditions, the goal was to seize the Holy Land, that is, Jerusalem, which was in the hands of Muslims, and to stop the expansion of the Seljuk Dynasty, which was Muslim. Later, expeditions continued for different purposes, such as the Albigeois Crusade, the Baltic Crusade, and the Aragonese Crusade. The source of the Crusades is connected with his speech at the Council of Clermont II. This is how Urbanus called Christians to war on the grounds of righteous war (bellum iustum) and holy war (bellum sacrum).[2]
French Religious Wars
Main article: French Wars of Religion
16. it is the war that broke out between Catholics and Protestants (Huguenots) in decennial France.
Thirty Years' War
Main article: Thirty Years' War
17. it is the wars of religion that began in the first half of the DEC century between the German states, the Scandinavian states and Poland. France has determined its ranks according to the course of the war. Although it was a Catholic state, it fought alongside Protestants.
Taiping Uprising
Main article: Taiping Uprising
19. it is a religious uprising that occurred in China in the XVIII century. The leader of the uprising was a poor peasant named Hong Xiuquan. Feng Yunshan, one of Hong's close friends, who came up with a new religion inspired by the teachings of Christianity and suggested that Jesus was his brother and son of God and was sent to China to make reforms, founded a religious community called Bai Shangdi Hui (Union of God Worshippers) based on his thoughts, especially the poor villagers of Guangxi. Hong joined Feng and Bai Shangdi Hui in 1847, and three years later they started an uprising, mobilizing their supporters. On January 1, 1851, Hong proclaimed the establishment of the Great Kingdom of Divine Peace (Taiping Tianguo) and was given the title of Godly King (Tianwang).
Taiping, Christian teaching gave little space to such principles as benevolence, forgiveness and atonement in the New Testament. He was more emphasizing the understanding contained in the Old Testament, which enjoins worship and obedience. Prostitution, adultery, foot binding, slavery, gambling, opium, tobacco and wine were forbidden in the new religion. The army had an extremely orderly organization; soldiers were subject to strict rules both in barracks and during the war. The belief that those who followed these rules would be rewarded in the afterlife was so strong that 100 thousand Taiping supporters preferred to die at the siege of Nanjing than surrender.
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