The purpose of man's existence is to grow and develop by surviving. To achieve your goal of existence, first of all, develop your ability to set and implement goals.
November 5, 2019 by arkeon in Articles
If you want to use your potential at the highest level, question what you saw at the first moment, examine the reasons behind the result, try to decipher the difference between what is visible and the truth. Try to understand the things you have heard, seen, felt for the first time by questioning them in your mind.
All living things come to life with two main goals: survival and growth and development.

Man is different from other living beings by nature. When it comes to life, it is not clear its purpose and in which direction it will grow and develop.

However, the only being who determines his own goal is a person. A person decides for himself which way he will develop, what he will do. He shapes his own life. This is the most basic ability that distinguishes a person from other living beings.

In many cases, the truth is not what it seems. Therefore, it makes a big difference for a person to use his thinking ability at full capacity.

If you want to use your potential at the highest level, question what you saw at the first moment, examine the reasons behind the result, try to decipher the difference between what is visible and the truth. Try to understand the things you have heard, seen, felt for the first time by questioning them in your mind.

Social values, customs and grandmothers put pressure on a person. This pressure restricts a person from experiencing his own feelings and thoughts. In this case, the person moves away from his essence, becomes alienated from himself. He turns into the one whom society dictates to himself.

When a person moves away from his essence, he lives for others. The departure from its essence usually begins in childhood, takes shape in adolescence.

The human brain physiologically completes its development at the age of 20-22 years. The reasoning ability of the brain takes shape in adolescence. Therefore, the ability to reason is limited in childhood. The child does what those around him say. He usually borrows his parents' brains until his own develops. A person has a hard time feeling exactly what he expects from life until he completes brain development. He can involuntarily choose the profession that he has been told about, marry a person he does not like, be forced to work in an environment that he does not enjoy.

I seem to hear those who involuntarily face such a situation asking what I can do.

First of all, I would like to remind you that this is a very common situation in many parts of the world. You may be living far from your goals in a modern, developing or backward society. This situation makes you unhappy and hopeless. It makes you live life like a victim.

If you want to get out of this and take the ropes of your life into your hands, first accept the situation you are in. Then decipher the difference between the life you desire and the one you are experiencing today. Be sure to be yourself. Stop living for others. Remember that no matter how much you love, no matter how much you put others at the center of your life, you will not be able to realize your potential. So when you live for others, you can't actually support them enough. The more you live for yourself, the more you help and support others. In short, prioritize yourself on the way to your goal, put yourself at the center of your life; be the subject.In other words, as you will understand, we are all of the same race, that is, historians say that the first people created (from THE HUMAN RACE) were Turks, but the aphasia and false history written in the past makes people premature and many people object to it, both religious taasubs and racial differences prevent healthy thinking about this issue

The only being who knows that he is going to die is human. Death causes anxiety in a person. This is normal. If you want to fit as much as possible into your life, determine what you want. If there are those who have already achieved your desired goal, take an example from them. If your goal is special to you and has not been tried by someone else before, then be inspired by those who have followed a similar path. Remember, everything you can think of will definitely come true one day. For this, make a plan that will help you achieve your goal. Then identify the person or persons with whom you are going to walk together next to you. A person can't do everything on his own. Assemble a team of people who will complement you. Make sure that the abilities of your chosen ones in the team are different from yours. Then put your plan into practice. Set yourself achievable goals for the application. Proceed with small steps, but steadily. When moving forward, it is necessary to constantly check whether you are going in the desired direction. Walking along your path, you may be surprised by your goals. Take care of working with an experienced executive coach to get rid of this. Your coach will support you when you are difficult to implement your plan, remind you of your goal when you are confused by the goal.

As a result, boldly determine your goal, without hanging out with those around you, in order to survive, grow and develop. Having determined your goal, make your plan, create your team, take action step by step and constantly check whether you are moving along the desired path by working with a coach.


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