,Gene D.Mtlock, author of American history, prof. According to the People of the World, they are all Turks.
Khazars Jewish Turkish Empire
Khazars Jewish Turkish Empire
"The Khazars married the Jews to create a synthesis of the Jewish and Turkish worlds."

As a Turkish Jew, the existence of Jewish Turks has always been interesting to me. That is why the book entitled The Turkish Empire and a huge magen david in the middle of the cover immediately caught my attention in the bookstore. I was curious about the Khazars. I wondered if there was a connection between the Hebrew meaning of the names of the Khazars and the Avars, another Turkish community that had partly converted to the Jewish religion. (Khazar: returnees, Avars: passers-by) But I did not find any information about this in the book. The most logical Turkish word for the origin of the word Hazar was “gezer”. (Assuming they were nomads at first) The Khazars, one of the 16 Turkish states in the presidential penitentiary, deserve more attention and are mentioned in a sentence in school books.

The main argument of the book is that after the collapse of the Khazar state, the Jewish Khazars did not assimilate into Christian societies but, on the contrary, formed the descent of the Ashkenazi Jews by preserving their Jewish identity and mixing with other Eastern European Jews. . In fact, this thesis was first put forward in the book of the 13th tribe of Arthur Koeller in the 1970s and had a great echo. Kevin Alan Brook in his book, “Jews in the Caspian Sea,” takes this thesis with new evidence and relies on sources other than Koeller, even examining other Turkish communities and peoples of other nationalities who “converted” to Judaism to today Jews cannot be considered an independent and homogeneous race. It is possible to get to know the details of the dissertation and the Khazars accompanied by the interesting parts of the book below.


In a letter to the Andalusian Hasdays, Joseph, the Jewish king of Khazar, explained that the Khazars were descendants of Cozar, the seventh son of Togarmah, considered the grandson of Yafet and the ancestor of all the Turks. Some Jewish writers claim that the Khazars were descended from the tribes of Sim'on and Judah or Menase and Ephraim. There are also some who are attached to Magaph the son of Japheth. According to the Talmud, Magog is the white Huns. Turkish ogur (Ogur, Oğur) settled in the Caucasus and the northern part of the Black Sea and lived under Hun rule in the 5th century. In the 570s, the Khazars first appeared in the region during the rule of the Western Gok Turks. The Khazars gained independence in 630.


Archaeological finds from the Khazars, for which no detailed documentation is available, show that it was a productive society specializing in agriculture and animal husbandry. Other important activities are fishing, hunting, forging, and glazing, which were learned from Jews in the Middle East.

The Khazars were produced by the Ashkenazi in the 19th century. they wore robe-like kaftans worn in the 16th century. (The word kaftan was also translated into Yiddish.) Radhanis was in the hands of a commercial traveler. The pious Jewish Radhanis, who spoke seven to eight languages ​​and sold from China to Sweden, did not travel on Saturday, but collected caravans and prayed. Trade with Germany developed, so Iraqi Radhanis mingled with Western Jews. The Khazars may have inherited their Jewish tradition from the Radhanis.

Caspian: The Caspian language belonging to the Turkish Ogur group is thought to be similar to the other languages ​​in the group, Old Bulgarian and Chuvash, the only surviving example spoken by two million people. The Khazars, who had previously used Turkish runic letters, accepted Judaism and began to use the Hebrew alphabet. The original Khazar documents can be found in Hebrew. (Letter from Schechter, reply from King Joseph, and letter from Kiev) In the letter from Kiev, under Hebrew inscriptions, the only Khazar word was written in runic: 'I read,' that is, I read. (The letter o in the word from right to left is quite similar to the Hebrew aleph.) The Hebrew language was learned from both the ancient Jews who settled in the Crimea and the immigrants. Even Christians learned Hebrew, so the letter sh was moved from Hebrew to Russian. (The Cyrillic Sha is similar to the Hebrew Shin.)


The Khazars had a dual administration inherited from the Turks. Kagan, who is believed to be a descendant of Asena, was also a head of state and spiritual leader, and was a holy personality. In second place was Bek (bey), the king of the civilians ... The only Jewish khan whose name is known is Zechariah, the first Jewish sage of Israeli descent chosen by the Khazars. Unlike the Kagans, the names of the Jewish bek are well known. The first Khazar king, who was Jewish, took the name Sabriel and was followed by other kings named Hebrew. These kings lived in the capital from December to April, celebrating Hanukkah and Passover.


The tolerant environment in Khazaria


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