Awesome Claim from the US Historian! "The Turks Discovered America"
Great claim from the American historian D.Matlock! The words of the American historian, who said that the Turks discovered America, aroused repercussions on social media.
20.02.2021, 15:43
Awesome Claim from the US Historian! "The Turks Discovered America"
The origin of the Vikings is Turkish, the Indians come from the Turkish race, and similar claims are frequently on the agenda of social media, and are discussed at length. Some people try to refute or prove it with sources, while others take the event as a joke.
The information in the book "Hey People of the World, You Are All Turks" by Gene D. Matlock took the event to a whole new level.
According to the news in the Calendar, Matlock includes the following statements in the book; Whatever I threw my hand at, in the end, Turks were the source of everything, and Turkey and Central Asia as geography. Because when I examined it carefully, the things mentioned in the Old Testament and the Bible were compatible with Turkey. The legend of Noah's Ark, the Great Flood, which showed me this: Turkey was the place where humanity began. We humans have been wrongly conditioned to see Sumer, Greece, Egypt, and China as the ancestors of all civilization.
The paradise garden where the new first humans lived is the Siberian steppes. The first man here, Adem (in English spelled Adam), is used in the Turkish language to mean 'human being'. Today, everyone can trace the traces of their generation to the Turks. This shows that all religions and languages originate from a single source: Turks! There is a place called Kırkpınar in Finland! The Mahabharata, the holy book of the Indians, tells the history of the Turks. The name of Zeus, the great god of the Greeks, is also Turkish. More recently, the DNA of Irish, Galilean and Scots has been analyzed and proven to be from Altai.
Vikings, Phoenicians and Etruscans, the indigenous people of Italy who lived here years before the Roman Empire and are considered the founders of Rome, are also Turks. It has been scientifically proven that the Estruscans' DNA is 97 percent identical to that of the Turks. Indians are also Turks, they say it themselves. The Turks discovered America, not the Spaniards. Many place names in the Americas are actually of Turkish origin.
Matlock continues: Many words of Turkish origin are also used in Mexico. For example, mountains/hills are called hills in Mexico; There are cities named Atatepek and Capultepek. After all, these show that; all civilizations passed through Central Asia and brought religion, language, culture and beliefs that are common everywhere to the whole world.
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