It was unknown 40 thousand years ago, but British history prof Spencer Wells did his research in Africa, Central Asia.
DNA and GENETIC studies have also come to the conclusion that Turks are Black people and that their ancestors are Turks.
MAN'S WALK Explained in detail in his documentary video American history Prof Gene D.Matlock O people of the world
He explained in detail in his book you are all Turkish. The dates written hundreds of years ago were either priests or Romans or
Greek Historians explain that real history was written with their political and religious motives.
Because of this false history, the Christian killed the Christian, the Muslim slaughtered the Muslim, all because of this distorted history.
The historians who wrote the Facts a hundred years ago were excommunicated, destroyed their work, only one of these historians
Swedish history prof Seven Lagerbring and the other is Polish historian Zajacakovski.
Religion wars are wars that break out because of conflicts of interest of different religious views. The general cause of wars is when a religious group aims to suppress people of other religions or to spread their own religion. Islamic conquests, French Religious Wars, Crusades, Reconquista are examples of religious wars seen in history.
Augustine was the first to define the just war theory within Christianity and lay the foundation for the concept of religious wars. The concept of jihad and gaza, which emerged in the 7th century, are also concepts used for religious wars in Islam.
7% of the 1763 wars in the War Encyclopedia prepared by Alan Axelrod and Charles Phillips, 123 are religious wars. 66 of these 123 wars are between Islam and Christianity.
Christians have fought wars in the name of God. The warrior units were also called the Soldiers of the Christ or the Knights of Christ in general.[1] Christian soldiers believed that God and divine forces would help them in battle.
the Crusades
Main article: Crusades
The Crusades are Christian raids that continued throughout the 11th and 13th centuries with the support of the Pope and therefore the Vatican. At the beginning of the campaigns, the aim was to capture the Holy Land, that is, Jerusalem, which was in the hands of the Muslims, and to stop the expansion of the Muslim Seljuks. Later, expeditions continued for different purposes such as the Albigeois Crusade, the Baltic Crusade and the Aragon Crusade. The source of the Crusades, with his speech at the Council of Clermont, II. Urbanus called Christians to war on the grounds of just war (bellum iustum) and holy war (bellum sacrum).[2]
The most difficult of the dynastic and power wars between England and France for centuries is a series of clashes between the 14th and 15th centuries, which are described as the "Century Wars" due to the length of the historical time period. The Hundred Years War is divided into two historical periods. The first period of war broke out after the 12th century and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1259, albeit temporarily. The battles, which constitute the main period of the wars, took place between 1337-1453.
Dynastic Clash Between France and England
After the temporary friendship established by the Treaty of Paris, the Actinia problem between England and France was not resolved. In addition, the loyalty of the King of France to England was a separate issue. This devotion to the King of England III. Edvard's mother, King of France III. It was because she was Philip's daughter. However, with the transition of the French power from the Kapet Dynasty to the Valois Dynasty in 1328, III. Edvard did not accept this new King of France and wanted to take the throne of France. Thus, after a short-term agreement, the dynastic struggle turned into a series of bloody and years-long wars. The conflicts were not severe until 1345, on the contrary, the struggles and clashes were dull. However, the superiority of the British in the wars was obvious and the French could not avoid being defeated by the British many times. King of England III. Edvard occupied the city of Fortress (Calais) in 1347 after defeating the French troops at Greey. The biggest problem of the wars was the epidemic diseases that spread and infected people due to the dead being left around. As a result of all these negativities, the war was interrupted for a while; However, the failure of the parties to reach an agreement re-started the war in 1355.
The resumption of the war in 1355 did not change the defeats of the French. King II. Jean was dethroned and France floundered in confusion during the reign of Charles, who succeeded him after the King was taken prisoner. But later, Naib, by establishing order, signed a heavy treaty with England (1360) and left the throne of France to his father and many places to the British.
Father II. Charles V, who ascended the throne after Jean's death, reigned for 16 years and Fran
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