   We, the Karachay Turks, are very closely related to the Hungarians Sekel. The Sekelles[1] (Hungarian: Székelyek, Romanian: Secui, German: Szekler, Latin: Siculi) live predominantly in the Szekelia region of Romania, less often in southern Hungary. and the people, a subgroup of the Hungarians.[2] They speak the Hungarian dialect of Sekel.
   According to some, it may be of Esegel-Bulgarian (Eskil)[5][6][7], Hun[8][9], Avar[10][11], Late Avar[12] or Kabar-based origin. it could be
   The Szekels speak a dialect of Hungarian called Sekelce (székely nyelvjárások):[15]

Sekel Hungarian Turkish
megbonyul megellik giving birth (animal)
pityoka krumpli, burgundy potatoes
patkány, pocok patkány, pocok rat, field vole
kacsiba, kacsuba, kacsuka csámpás, kacsiba is useless
hínyaros homalyos
összebüszüdik megromlik, megbüdosödik stale
ollózik ellik (kecske) gidik, newborn kid, baby goat, baby animal
ollo ollo scissors
ahajt, ott, amott ott, amott aha, there
gürüzdölés, Görözdölés köszörülés ankle
Descendants of Atilla Sekelle (Sekel Turks)
There are definitely those who have never heard of the Turkish Community called Sekeller. Because this small community has never been among the famous Turkish communities and they have lived for thousands of years as the lost sons of the Turkish World without even knowing about them. Let's take a look at the answers to questions such as where is Sekelistan, are the Sekelles Turks?
Are the Sekelles Turkic: The Sekelles, who are originally Hun Turks, are a group of Western Huns who settled in Hungary after the Migration of Tribes. Historians are of the same opinion that the Szekels are the tribe of Chaba, the younger son of Atilla the Whip of God (also known as Etila), known as the most powerful ruler of the European Huns.

So much so, that the Sekelles are Hun Turks, Bahaeddin Ögel's etmological origins of the sekels. The work called "Hun Turks Are The Descendants of Atila, About the Ancestors of Truth" includes this claim, which is also expressed in Hüseyin Namık Orkun's book "Pechenegs". Although the exact etymological origin of the name Sekel has not been found, historians agree that this community is the descendants of Attila. Many historians have said that this name Sekel may be related to the Eskil (Esegel) people living in Chuvashia and Tatarstan since the 10th century.


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