Now I know very well what you're going through in your head.
    You definitely think about why he writes and explains the works of history proffs who grew up. Thousands of
    I have written to you the work of profs that have cost history, I have shared, I have written thousands of articles.
    I told a century ago Polish History Prof Zajackovski said that Poles are slavic Turks and this prof's work
    Available on Google Search Engine Gene Swedish History prof Sven Lagerbring Swedish people Finns Danes
    He wrote that the ancestors of the Germans, Hungarians, Bulgarians and Bulgarians were Turkish, and these works are also available on Google.
    Works of Bulgarian History prof Dinkov available on Google Russian history prof Igor Payankov Vesilievich available on Google
    There is already a documentary on the human's walk by the British History Prof.
    YOU ARE ALL TURKS Author Gene D.matlock is on google, you can search for them, I have only one purpose.
    Knowing the fact that all people living in the world are related to each other does not make anyone Turkic.


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