Adilhan ADİLOGLU * 1
* Directorate General of State Archives
The Turks of the Caucasus-Balkar, who live in the high mountain valleys east and west of Mount Elbrus in the Caucasus, were filtered out by the ethnic integration of the Kimmerians, Saka (Scythians), Bulgarians, Sabirhuns and Kipsas Turks. dominated the region throughout history.
Turkish tribe. Many scholars in the field of Turkology accept that the Bulgarians play a very large role in the ethnic formation of the Karachay-Balkar Turks, and even some scholars accept that the Karachay-Balkars are a direct continuation of the Bulgarians. The fact that the Georgian Svans, the closest neighbors of the Karachay-Balkar Turks of the North Caucasus, used to call the Malkars "Sabir" and the Karachays "Savar" adequately explains the ethnic relationship of the Karachay-Balkar Turks. Sabirs, without any other data.
Keywords: Karachay-Balkar Turks, Bulgarians, Sabir Huns.
Karachay-Malkar Turks living in the upland canyons in the east and west
The Elbrus Mountains are a nation derived from the Kimmer, sectional ethnic alliance
(Scythians), Bulgarians, Sabir-Huns and Gypsies, Turks who ruled the
Many Turkological scholars accept that the Turks of Malkár contribute greatly to the formation of Karachay, and some also accept that they are
their continuation. The fact that the nearest neighbor Karachay-Malkár is the Turks in the north
Caucasus, who are the Georgian Svans who call Malkara Sabir and Karachay Savar
the past makes all other data unnecessary to clarify the relationship of the Karachay-Malkar Turks with the Turks
Sabirok. The role of the Bulgarians and the Sabir Huns in the ethnic formation of the Karachay-Balkar Turks
They live in the Caucasus, in the high mountain valleys to the east and west of Mount Elbrus.
Karachay-Balkar Turks, Cimmerians, Saka (Scythians) who ruled the region throughout history,
Thousands of years of ethnic integration of Bulgarian, Sabir-Hun and Kipcsak Turks
It is a Turkish tribe created by infiltration. Proto-Turkish strains over i. E. 5000
They were related to Caucasian geography. So the fate of the Caucasus
it has since been connected with the Turkish world.
Arabok, VIII. In the 19th century, with the conquest of the Caucasus, they crossed the Itil River,
but they had to retreat against Byzantine and Khazar resistance. By the way
The kingdoms of Armenia and Georgia expanded, and the influence of the Iranians increased in the region.
Later, the Oguz and thus the Seljuk Turks arrived in the Caucasus and eventually
XIII. In the 19th century, the Mongols occupied the Caucasus. The Mongols themselves
because of their military superiority, they depend on the Turks, who have a larger population.
and the states that formed after them have always been of Turkish origin.
(Henze 85: 3).
June 22-26, 1959 In the capital of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Nalchik
He held a symposium entitled "Ethnic Formation of the Karachay-Balkar People"
came to the following conclusion: “Karachay-Balkars, Bulgaria, Alan ethnic composition
It was created by mixing Kipchak and native Caucasian tribes.
(Hajilajev 70: 6). E. is famous for his studies of the history and culture of the Caucasus.
P. Alexeyeva that this ethnic formation is located in the regions where the Karachay-Balkars live today.
XIII-XIV. He says it was completed over centuries; Bulgarian, Alan, Kipchak above
and the tribes that created the "Koban culture" for a series of native Caucasian tribes.
he adds (Mokayev 76:87).
BC E. XII-VII. century in the central parts of the North Caucasus.
A civilization called “Koban Culture” has emerged in the literature. Today's North
Archaeological finds have been unearthed in the village of "Koban" in the Republic of Ossetia.
This culture, which it reflects, was named “Koban Culture” because of the name of the village. This
archeological materials, Koban culture VII-VI. century
(Alexei 93: 5). around the River Spaces in the Caucasus.
Pyatigorsk kurgans (1200 BC) and Koban head ruins (pure Bronze Age)
1200-1000) remained from the Cimmers (Grousset 93:22).
Here we need to draw attention to one point; The term "Koban culture"
misunderstood by the authors. These authors describe the “Koban culture,” Caucasian
Today’s Caucasian tribes have developed in a common cultural circle.
attributed to their culture. which includes the Koban River and its tributaries
The area is called the “Cuban Region” and the culture that has developed in this area, namely
Caucasian culture is called "Cuban culture." In reality, "Koban
Culture ”is a scientific term and got its name from the village of“ Koban ”. The main Caucasian
Keywords: Karachay-Balkar Turks, Bulgarians, Sabir Hun.
This is not the culture, but the culture that is reflected in the archeological finds unearthed in the village of Koban.
This culture is Cimmer-Saka, which reflects the typical warrior characters of the steppe people.
that culture.
Cimmerians and S.


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