LAGERBRING – “The Swedes are of Turkish origin. Our God ODIN is also Turkish.”

   prof. Sven LAGERBRING – “The Swedes are of Turkish origin. Our God ODIN is also Turkish.”

The claim belongs to a scientist who is among the founders of Swedish history.

prof. Sven Lagerbring, in his book he wrote about 250 years ago, states that the ancestors of the Swedes were Turks, based on the commonalities and mythological similarities between Turkish and Swedish. In Swedish fairy tales, it is told that the god Odin came from "Turkland".


One of the founders of Swedish history, Prof. A 58-page book written by Sven Lagerbring in 1764 says that the Swedes are of Turkish origin and the Turkish words in Swedish reveal this. Ali Nuri Dilmeç is the one who brought the book in question to the attention of the Turkish public for the first time, but did not find any response. Who is Ali Nuri Dilmec? His real name is Gustaf Nuring. He is a Swede who was born in Malmö, Sweden in 1861 and settled in Istanbul at the age of 17, taking the name Ali Nuri, both Turkish and Muslim.

The Frankish Ottoman Viking

In the words of Teodor Hertzl, the founder of Zionism, "Ottoman Viking of the Franks" Ali Nuri Bey buys the book from an auction, lends it to a friend, and can see it again almost 20 years later. Then he writes an article called "The Strange Fate of a Valuable Book." Thus, Prof. Sven Lagerbring's parallels between Turkish and Swedish and his thesis that Swedes are of Turkish origin come to the fore. However, although the period is the period of the Turkish History Thesis, it is not emphasized much. Moreover, it is clearly stated in the book that "Odin", one of the most important gods of Sweden, is of Turkish origin and says, "Our ancestors, Odin's comrades, are Turks. There is sufficient documentation on this subject. Let's say that Odin is traveling with two wolves, so you think about the rest.

Words Similar to Turkish

Among similar words:

as – asch /The Wise and Just King

The Swedish God Odin was the leader of a large crowd who were introduced as Tirkiar (Turks) and Asiemaen (Asians, Asian men) in the "Tale of Herwarar". The journey of Odin, who is shown with his wolves in the depictions, from "Türkland" (Turkish province) to Sweden, where he has many possessions, is described in detail in the tale, and his justice and wisdom are mentioned. It is said that he put his sons at the head of the kingdoms he founded.

Founder of Swedish History

Born in 1707, Sven Lagerbring became a professor of history at the age of 35. At the age of 41, he became rector of Lund University and held this post until 1769. In 1764, along with many scientific works, he wrote the thesis "Kinship with the Turks". He was given the title of nobility in 1769 for his work. Lund University's logo features a picture of Lagerbring. The most important work of Lagerbring, who is also known as the founder of modern history science in Sweden, is the four-volume History of the Swedish Empire.

The claim belongs to a scientist who is among the founders of Swedish history.

prof. Sven Lagerbring, in his book he wrote about 250 years ago, states that the ancestors of the Swedes were Turks, based on the commonalities and mythological similarities between Turkish and Swedish. In Swedish fairy tales, it is told that the god Odin came from "Turkland".

One of the founders of SWEDEN history, Prof. A 58-page book written by Sven Lagerbring in 1764 says that the Swedes are of Turkish origin and the Turkish words in Swedish reveal this. Ali Nuri Dilmeç, who brought the book in question to the attention of the Turkish public for the first time, but did not find any response. Who is Ali Nuri Dilmec? His real name is Gustaf Nuring. He is a Swede who was born in Malmö, Sweden in 1861 and settled in Istanbul at the age of 17, taking the name Ali Nuri, both Turkish and Muslim.

The Frankish Ottoman Viking

On the Turkish Origins of the Swedes" is in a way a continuation of Lagerbring's book. Those who read Gürgün's book will also want to read Lagerbring's book, because Gürgün also partially used the sources Lagerbring based his claims on.

So what was the specialty of Lagerbring's book? Referring to sources from 800 years ago, Lagerbring claimed that Turks and Swedes came from a common origin or that the Swedes were essentially a branch of the Turks, and he compared nearly 200 words as evidence, among other claims. Some of the arguments put forward by both Lagerbring and Gürgün are debatable, but there is a fact that cannot be overlooked: These claims were not made by any of our Turkish citizens, but by an important scientist with respect in the society.

What needs to be discussed is this: Why do Swedish, Finnish or Norwegian scientists consider the peoples of Northern Europe to be related to the Turks? You can question the scientificness of the theses, but it is as important as the scientificness of the theses to research or know why Northern European writers and scientists make such a claim and defend this thesis with courage.

Gürgün, to whom Lagerbring applied


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