Who are the Vikings?

Vikings (Nors), Scandinavian, are a very powerful and warlike tribe in maritime. 8-11. They conquered many places in Northwest Europe between the centuries.

The community of Danes, Norwegians and Swedes living in Scandinavian countries today is called "Vikings" in ancient times. In addition, some of the peoples living in what is now Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Scotland and Russia are of Viking origin. Vikings also spread to Central and Southern Europe. The Vikings, who also went to the lands of France and England, made great conquests in these countries and besieged Paris four times.

The Vikings are a people formed by the merging of the Varyag and Norman races.

The Swedish Varyags spread eastward, reaching the Black Sea and even Iran in the 11th century. Most of them settled in Novgorod in Russia and Kiev in Ukraine. Those who settled here traded furs in exchange for silk as peaceful traders. Of these, the Prince Ryurik Dynasty ruled in Russia until the 16th century.

The Normans, the other branch of the Vikings, settled in the Normandy region of France, which they named, and adopted the French language over time. The Normans, Danish and Norwegian, attempted to conquer the seas to the west. Skilled sailors and warriors, these people conquered Iceland, Greenland, and the Canadian coast. They landed in Great Britain (the islands of England and Ireland). They ruled England for 400 years. The most important universities of the period were opened in England during the reign of the Norman arm of the Vikings.

The second column of the Normans, coming up from the sea along the Seine, attacked Paris twice, once in 845 and the other in 885. The Luvar valley, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lisbon, Seville and Italy were conquered by them. In the 9th century, the king of France, Charles the Great, found the only way to protect France from Viking attack by allowing them to settle in today's Normandy lands. Thus, the Norman branch of the Vikings, who had fertile lands and settled in today's France, gradually stopped and became French over time. The best sailors in France today are the Normans, descendants of the Vikings. Vikings multiplied in Normandy and began to expand. They brought Southern Italy and the surrounding islands under the rule of a single kingdom.

8-11. This period, which took place in Europe between the centuries, is called the Viking Age in history.

Although they adopted Christianity, the Vikings did not give up their culture. Continuing their traditional beliefs, the Vikings offered sacrifices to the Sky God Odin. Because they were so well organized, they established centralized monarchies in their countries.

Contrary to popular belief, Vikings did not wear horned or winged helmets on their heads. The widespread belief that Vikings wear horned helmets is due to the cartoon series Vicky the Viking.

The Vikings had a khan named Odin, whom they worshiped as God's reflection on earth. Both Odin and his wife are multilingual. With a group of young, old, men, women, horsemen and very crowded warriors behind him, he came to Northern Europe by conquering Europe from beginning to end.

The name of Odin was respected by the Central Asian Turks as well as Scandinavia. Ancient sources tell that a holy Turkish elder named Öden Ata had monuments in the old Turkish homeland and he was highly respected. The famous commander Timur also visited Öden Ata's grave, prayed and made wishes before embarking on the western expedition.

(Nizamettin Sami, Zafername

Osman Karatay, Roots of Turks, p.201

Mantayev, The Works of Muraviev and Velikhanov as a Historical Source, p.105)

prof. Who is Sven Lagerbring? (1707-1787)

He was born Sven Bring in 1707 in Southern Sweden. He studied at Lund University. He became secretary of the Lund Academy in 1741, and professor of history in 1742 at the age of 35. In 1748, at the age of 41, he became rector of Lund University and held this post until 1769. In 1764, along with many scientific works, he wrote the thesis that the ancestors of the Swedes were Turks. Due to his work, he acquired the title of nobility in 1769. He was now both undersecretary and knight. A "Lager" was added to his surname. It became "Lagerbring". Lagerbring is a well-known, respected historian. In the field of Swedish history, he is considered the father of modern historical studies. He was the first professor of history at the Institute of History at Lund University, Sweden, and therefore has a picture of him in the Institute's logo. His bust is erected in the university garden, his paintings are hung in the halls. On February 24, 2007, her 300th birthday was celebrated in Lund, Uppsala and Stockholm. Seminars and conferences have been organized on many subjects. The most important work of Lagerbring, who is also known as the founder of modern history science in Sweden, is the four-volume History of the Swedish Empire. In the first volume of the Lagerbring history encyclopedia, he tells the history of Vikings, which Odin (Kağan) and his dynasty ruled until 1060.

prof. Lagerbring


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