Cidadão americano de ascendência mexicana, autor do livro vocês são todos turcos, Ó povo do mundo GENE D. MATLOCK. VOU COMPARTILHAR UM TRECHO DE SEU LIVRO HÁ MUITAS REFERÊNCIAS À AMÉRICA DO SUL EM SEU LIVRO. Ó povo do mundo, vocês são todos turcos livro (página 251) mensagem urgente ao México argentina Brasil.Esses países estão localizados no subsolo e os ricos acima do solo são tão ricos quanto outros países da América do Sul Por que eles não estão ficando tão ricos quanto os Estados Unidos a resposta vem daqueles que sabem algo sobre a Ciência da Cruz e da Santíssima Trindade e provam sua eficácia.korkmiyan são. é simples para o México, Argentina, Brasil é também o Atlante dos tetos do Templo Maia Inca asteca. esses ídolos são símbolos da América do Sul.sua fonte é o Monte Meru, os turcos são seus um cordão umbilical espiritual depende de um, o que quer que aconteça com o outro acontece com o outro.Todos na terra são gentis ao mesmo tempo,mas em outra freq...
Temmuz, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
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CIUDADANO ESTADOUNIDENSE DE ASCENDENCIA MEXICANA, AUTOR DEL LIBRO TODOS USTEDES SON TURCOS, Oh GENTE DEL MUNDO GENE D. MATLOCK. COMPARTIRÉ UN EXTRACTO DE SU LIBRO HAY MUCHAS REFERENCIAS A AMÉRICA DEL SUR EN SU LIBRO. Oh GENTE DEL MUNDO, TODOS USTEDES SON TURCOS LIBRO (PÁGINA 251) mensaje urgente a México argentina brasil.Estos países se encuentran bajo tierra y los ricos de la superficie son tan ricos como otros países sudamericanos ¿Por qué no se están volviendo tan ricos como Estados Unidos la respuesta es de aquellos que saben algo sobre la Ciencia de la Cruz y la santísima trinidad y prueban su efectividad.korkmiyan son. es simple para México, Argentina, Brasil también es el Atlante de los techos de los Templos Mayas Incas aztecas. estos ídolos son símbolos de América del fuente es el Monte Meru, los turcos son sus antepasados.con un cordón umbilical espiritual depende de uno, lo que le pase al otro le pasa al otro.Todos en la Tierra son amables al mismo tiempo,...
Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı - Tanıtım 1
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Deniz Harp Okulu ve Deniz Lisesi'nin 242. Kuruluş Yıldönümü
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
QUERIDOS AMIGOS, QUERIDOS IRMÃOS E IRMÃS KAINKOVN, Ó POVO DO MUNDO, VOCÊS SÃO TODOS TURCOS, NOSSAS PÁGINAS ESTÃO EM UM NÍVEL RECORDE A PARTICIPAÇÃO FOI ALCANÇADA E A PAZ E O AMOR ENTRARAM NA FRATERNIDADE MUNDIAL. Caros Amigos, todos os artigos que escrevi pertencem aos livros de história, em geral, gene D. trechos do livro matlock un swen Lagerbrin é o pai histórico da Suécia, que viveu há um século.De zaja Ackowski há um século História cita Spencer Wels ten da história Cazaque Prof Murad adji do Prof Dinkov historiadores já mencionados muitos agradecimentos vêm para mim do Norte e do Sul da América, que são pessoas que podem me alcançar a partir da decoração de pesquisa do google Além disso, a Polónia, Hungria, Noruega, Finlândia, Noruega, Dinamarca, dan, Azerbaijão, dan Cazaquistão, Circassia, dan Karachay e eles oferecem seus parabéns e apreço de outros países muito obrigado a todos e me apelidaram de pessoa sábia 2.700 no tumblr 12300 no facebook 2300 eu não escrevo sobre minha pa...
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
,DEAR FRIENDS, DEAR KAINKOVN BROTHERS AND SISTERS, O PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, YOU ARE ALL TURKS, OUR PAGES ARE AT A RECORD LEVEL PARTICIPATION WAS ACHIEVED AND PEACE AND LOVE WERE STEPPED INTO THE WORLD BROTHERHOOD. Dear Friends, all the articles I have written belong to the History books, in general, Gene D.excerpts from the book matlock un swen Lagerbrin is the historical father of Sweden, who lived a century ago.From zaja Ackowski a century ago History quotes Spencer Wels ten from Kazakh History prof Murad adji from PROF Dinkov already mentioned historians a lot of thanks come to me from the North and South of America, which are people who can reach me from the google search Decor In addition, Poland,Hungary,Norway,Finland,Norway,Denmark,dan, Azerbaijan,dan Kazakhstan, Circassia, dan Karachay and they offer their congratulations and appreciation from other countries thank you very much to everyone and have nicknamed me the wise person 2.700 on tumblr 12300 on facebook 2300 I don't w...
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
DEAR FRIENDS, DEAR KAINKOVN BROTHERS AND SISTERS, O PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, YOU ARE ALL TURKS, OUR PAGES ARE AT A RECORD LEVEL PARTICIPATION WAS ACHIEVED AND PEACE AND LOVE WERE STEPPED INTO THE WORLD BROTHERHOOD. Dear Friends, all the articles I have written belong to the History books, in general, Gene D.excerpts from the book matlock un swen Lagerbrin is the historical father of Sweden, who lived a century ago.From zaja Ackowski a century ago History quotes Spencer Wels ten from Kazakh History prof Murad adji from PROF Dinkov already mentioned historians a lot of thanks come to me from the North and South of America, which are people who can reach me from the google search Decor In addition, Poland,Hungary,Norway,Finland,Norway,Denmark,dan, Azerbaijan,dan Kazakhstan, Circassia, dan Karachay and they offer their congratulations and appreciation from other countries thank you very much to everyone and have nicknamed me the wise person 2.700 on tumblr 12300 on facebook 2300 I don't wr...
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
DEĞERLİ DOSTLARIM DEĞERLİ KAİNKOVN KARDEŞLERİM EY DÜNYA İNSANLARI HEPİNİZ TÜRKSÜNÜZ SAYFALARIMIZ REKOR SEVİYEDE KATILIM SAĞLANMIŞ VE DÜNYA KARDEŞLİĞİNE BARIŞA SEVGİYE ADIM ATILMIŞTIR. Değerli Dostlarım yazdığım tüm yazılar Tarih proflarına aittir Genel olarak Gene d.matlock un kitabından alıntılar bundan yüzyıl önce yaşamış olan isveç in tarih babası Swen Lagerbrin.Gene Bundan Yüzyıl önce zaja Ackovwski den Tarih PROF Dinkov dan Kazak Tarih prof Murad adji den Spencer Wels ten alıntılar dır zaten ismi geçen tarihçiler google arama mororundan ulaşabilir insanlardır Bana Amerika kuzey ve Güney den çok sayıda teşekkür mesejı gelmektedir Ayrıca Polonya,Macaristan,Norveç,Finlandiya,Norveç,Danimarka,dan,Azerbaycan,dan Kazakistandan Çerkresya,dan Karaçaydan ve diğer ülkelerden tebrik ve taktirlerini sunuyorlar herkese çok teşekk...
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
GENE D.WHY DID MATLOCK OR SPENCER WELLS AND OTHERS SAY THAT THE BEGINNING OF HUMANITY IS THE TURKS I wonder if they wanted to Turkify the World.I don't think so, because thousands of years have passed since this fact everyone is divided into different religions, different languages, different races, and they feel different, which is the most natural for a person he has a right.People of different colors can also be of different religions and different languages everyone has a different beauty i wonder if there would be wars in the world if politicians could find people to fight in society and in the world if there were no religious taboos and taasubs on people, different religions and different languages would be hostile to each other.In the world if we accepted the differences as the color harmony of the flower garden of the world, would these genocides have been massacres politicians it divides societies with the ambition of power and makes people hostile to each other, which mak...
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
ДЖИН Діпочему Метлок або СПЕНСЕР Уеллс та інші СКАЗАЛИ, що ТУРКИ-початок людства? Цікаво, чи хотів світ тюркнути, реж.Я не думаю, що думаю, тому що минуло тисячі років з тих пір, як цей факт пройшов всі розділені на різні релігії, різні мови, різні раси і відчувають себе по-іншому, що найприродніше для людини право.Люди різних кольорів можуть бути в різних релігіях і на різних мовах, всі різні-це краса Якщо він прийме це як належне, цікаво, чи будуть війни в світі, чи зможуть політики знайти людей для боротьби в суспільстві і в усьому світі? Якби на людях не було релігійних табу, різні релігії, різні мови були б ворожі один одному.В світі Якби ми прийняли відмінності як колірну гармонію в квітнику світу, чи були б ці геноциди, масові вбивства, політики? він ділить суспільства амбіціями влади, робить людей ворожими один одному, а значить, робить політиків сильнішими в своїх суспільствах. Давайте подумаємо, що, незважаючи на те, що вони мають одну і ту ж расу, вони знаходяться в різних р...
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
GENE D. Por que MATLOCK ou SPENCER WELLS e outros disseram que o começo da humanidade são os turcos Eu me pergunto se eles queriam Turquificar o mundo.Acho que não, porque milhares de anos se passaram desde esse fato todos estão divididos em diferentes religiões, línguas diferentes, raças diferentes e se sentem diferentes, o que é o mais natural para uma pessoa ele tem um direito.Pessoas de cores diferentes também podem ser de diferentes religiões e línguas diferentes todo mundo tem uma beleza diferente eu me pergunto se haveria guerras no mundo se os políticos pudessem encontrar pessoas para lutar na sociedade e no mundo se não houvesse tabus religiosos e taasubs sobre as pessoas, diferentes religiões e línguas diferentes seriam hostis a cada um other.In o mundo se aceitássemos as diferenças como a harmonia de cores do jardim de flores do mundo, esses genocídios teriam sido massacres políticos divide as sociedades com a ambição de poder e torna as pessoas hostis umas às outras, o que ...
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
GENE D. ¿POR QUÉ MATLOCK O SPENCER WELLS Y OTROS DIJERON QUE EL COMIENZO DE LA HUMANIDAD SON LOS TURCOS Me pregunto si querían turquificar el mundo.No lo creo, porque han pasado miles de años desde este hecho todos están divididos en diferentes religiones, diferentes idiomas, diferentes razas y se sienten diferentes, lo cual es lo más natural para una persona tiene derecho.Las personas de diferentes colores también pueden ser de diferentes religiones y diferentes idiomas, todos tienen una belleza diferente me pregunto si habría guerras en el mundo si los políticos pudieran encontrar personas para luchar en la sociedad y en el mundo si no hubiera tabúes religiosos y taasubs sobre las personas, diferentes religiones y diferentes idiomas serían hostiles entre sí other.In el mundo si aceptáramos las diferencias como la armonía de colores del jardín de flores del mundo, ¿estos genocidios habrían sido masacres? divide a las sociedades con la ambición de poder y hace que las personas sean hos...
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
GENE D.MATLOCK VEYA SPENCER WELLS VE DİĞERLERİ NEDEN İNSANLIĞIN BAŞLANGICI TÜRKLERDİR DEMİŞ Acaba Dünya,yı Türkleştirmek mi istemişler dir.Bence zannetmiyorum çünki bu gerçeğin üzerinden binlerce yıl geçmiş herkes farklı dinlere farklı dillere farklı ırklara ayrılmış ve kendilerini farklı hissediyor bu da insanın en doğal hakkıdır.İnsanlar Farklı renkler de faklı dinlerde ve farklı dillerde olabilir herkes farklılarını bir güzellik olarak kabul ederse acaba dünya da savaşlar olurmuydu siyasiler savaştıracak insan bulabilirmitdi Toplumdaki ve dünyadaki insanların Üzerinde dinsel tabular taasublar olmasaydı farklı dinler farklı diller birbirine düşman olurmuydu.Dünyadaki farklılıkları Dünyanın çiçek bahçesi renk ahengi olarak kabul etseydik bu soykırımlar katliamlar yaşanırmıydı siyasiler toplumları iktidar hırsı ile bölmekte insanları birbirin...
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
THE WORLD IS ALSO THE EXISTENCE OF HUMANITY. GENETICS AND HISTORY PROF. AMERICAN SPECER WELLS DESCRIBES IT AS FOLLOWS. He tells us that 40 thousand years ago all of humanity existed on the African continent with the great migrations that began on the African continent DNA and GENETIC research revealed in the documentary The march of man that human Species have spread to Central Asia and Far Asia,or he even puts it at 40.a tribe that migrated from Africa to the Central Asian region of Kazakhstan a thousand years ago also conducted research this person discovered that Europeans are the common ancestor of Black people, Indians are the common ancestor of Turks and Americans. 40 Thousand years ago, All People were afraid of the same natural phenomena and believed in the same things.Storms,Tornadoes from they were afraid of fire, lightning, lightning, and believed in the same things, their languages were common and the same.Dec After thousands of years have passed, people have started to bel...
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
PENSE TAMBÉM NA EXISTÊNCIA DA HUMANIDADE. GENÉTICA E HISTÓRIA PROF. AMERICAN SPECER WELLS DESCREVE DA SEGUINTE FORMA. Ele nos diz que há 40 mil anos toda a humanidade existiu no continente Africano com as grandes migrações que começaram no continente africano DNA e pesquisa genética revelaram no documentário A Marcha do homem que as espécies humanas se espalharam para a Ásia Central e Ásia distante,ou ele até coloca em 40.uma tribo que migrou da África para a região da Ásia Central do Cazaquistão há mil anos também realizou pesquisas essa pessoa descobriu que os europeus são o ancestral comum dos negros, os índios são o ancestral comum dos Turcos e Americanos. 40 mil anos atrás, todas as pessoas tinham medo dos mesmos fenômenos naturais e acreditavam nas mesmas coisas.Tempestades, tornados de eles tinham medo de fogo, raios, raios e acreditavam nas mesmas coisas, suas línguas eram comuns e as mesmas.Dezembro Depois que milhares de anos se passaram, as pessoas começaram a pertencer a di...
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
PIENSA TAMBIÉN EN LA EXISTENCIA DE LA HUMANIDAD. EL PROFESOR DE GENÉTICA E HISTORIA AMERICAN SPECER WELLS LO DESCRIBE DE LA SIGUIENTE MANERA. Nos cuenta que hace 40 mil años toda la humanidad existía en el continente africano con las grandes migraciones que comenzaron en el continente africano El ADN y la investigación genética revelaron en el documental La marcha del hombre que las especies humanas se han extendido a Asia Central y Asia Lejana, o incluso lo pone en 40.una tribu que emigró de África a la región de Asia Central de Kazajstán hace mil años también realizó una investigación esta persona descubrió que los europeos son el antepasado común de los negros, los indios son el antepasado común de los turcos y los estadounidenses. Hace 40 mil años, todas las personas temían los mismos fenómenos naturales y creían en las mismas cosas.Tormentas, tornados de tenían miedo al fuego, a los rayos, a los relámpagos, y creían en las mismas cosas, sus idiomas eran comunes y los mismos.Dic De...
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
DÜÜNYA,DA İNSANLIĞIN VAR OLUŞU. GENETİK VE TARİH PROF AMERİKALI SPECER WELLS ŞÖYLE ANLATIYOR. Bundan 40 Bin yıl önce Bütün insanlığın Afrika kıtasında var olduğunu anlatıyor Afrika kıtasında başlayan büyük göçlerle insan Türleri Orta Asya ve Uzak Asya,ya Dağıldığını insanın yürüyüşü belgeselinde DNA ve GENETİK araştırmalala ortaya koyuyor Hatta Bundan 40.bin yıl önce afrikadan Orta Asya kazakistan bölgesine göçen bir kabile de yaptığı araştırmalarda bu kişi Avrupalıların Siyah insanların kızılderililerin Türklerin ve Amerikalıların ortak atası olduğunu keşfetmiş. Bundan 40 Bin yıl önce Tüm İnsalar Aynı doğa olaylarından ko0rkar ve aynı şeylere inanırdı.Fırtınalar,dan Kaırgalardan ateşten şimşekten yıldırımlardan zerzelelerden korkarlardı ve aynı şeylere inanırlardı Dilleri ortak ve aynıydı.Aradan Binlerce yıl geçtikten sonra insanlar farklı dinlere farklı dillere aidiyet göstermeye başladılar farklı ırkları sahiplendiler Dünya ...
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HOW THE TURKISH RACE WAS BORN AND DEVELOPED AND TODAY.. PROF. SPENCER WELLS What he said at the very beginning: Although life began in Africa, the place where it was raised is Central Asia. In this video, Spencer Wells meets Niyazov, who lives in Kazakhstan, and tells: According to Wells; Humanity emerged from Africa about 60,000 years ago. Again, according to him, about 45,000 years ago, the main proliferation and spread was from Central Asia. He examined Niyazov's DNA and blood, and it was understood that Niyazov had maintained his ethnic purity for 2,000 generations. Genetic anthropology has determined that the ancestors of more than 1 billion people, including all of Europe, Russia, Indians and northern Indians, descended from this Central Asian Niyazov's family. Wells took blood and DNA samples from 2,000 people in Kazakhstan. Of these, Niyazov's is extraordinarily important. Because Niyazov comes from a family that lived here 40 thousand years ago. Niyazov, a membe...
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
CÓMO NACIÓ Y SE DESARROLLÓ LA RAZA TURCA Y HOY.. PROF. POZOS DE SPENCER Lo que dijo al principio: Aunque la vida comenzó en África, el lugar donde se crió es Asia Central. En este video, Spencer Wells conoce a Niyazov, quien vive en Kazajistán, y le cuenta: Según pozos; La humanidad surgió de África hace unos 60.000 años. Nuevamente, según él, hace unos 45.000 años, la principal proliferación y propagación fue desde Asia Central. Examinó el ADN y la sangre de Niyazov, y se entendió que Niyazov había mantenido su pureza étnica durante 2000 generaciones. La antropología genética ha determinado que los ancestros de más de mil millones de personas, incluyendo toda Europa, Rusia, India y el norte de la India, descienden de esta familia de Niyazov de Asia Central. Wells tomó muestras de sangre y ADN de 2.000 personas en Kazajistán. De estos, el de Niyazov es extraordinariamente importante. Porque Niyazov proviene de una familia que vivió aquí hace 40 mil años. Niyazov, miembro de...
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
JAK NARODZIŁA SIĘ I ROZWIJAŁA SIĘ TURCJA RASY I DZIŚ... PROF. SPENCER WELLS To, co powiedział na samym początku: Chociaż życie zaczęło się w Afryce, miejscem, w którym się ono wychowało, jest Azja Środkowa. W tym filmie Spencer Wells spotyka mieszkającego w Kazachstanie Nijazowa i opowiada: Według Wellsa; Ludzkość wyszła z Afryki około 60 000 lat temu. Ponownie, według niego, około 45 000 lat temu, główne proliferacje i rozprzestrzenianie się pochodziły z Azji Środkowej. Zbadał DNA i krew Nijazowa i zrozumiano, że Nijazow zachował czystość etniczną od 2000 pokoleń. Antropologia genetyczna ustaliła, że przodkowie ponad miliarda ludzi, w tym cała Europa, Rosja, Indianie i Indianie z północy, wywodzili się z tej środkowoazjatyckiej rodziny Nijazowa. Wells pobrał próbki krwi i DNA od 2000 osób z Kazachstanu. Spośród nich niezwykle ważny jest Nijazow. Bo Nijazow pochodzi z rodziny, która mieszkała tu 40 tysięcy lat temu. Nijazow, członek pierwszego plemienia, które genetycznie...
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
HOW THE TURKISH RACE WAS BORN AND DEVELOPED AND TODAY.. PROF. SPENCER WELLS What he said at the very beginning: Although life began in Africa, the place where it was raised is Central Asia. In this video, Spencer Wells meets Niyazov, who lives in Kazakhstan, and tells: According to Wells; Humanity emerged from Africa about 60,000 years ago. Again, according to him, about 45,000 years ago, the main proliferation and spread was from Central Asia. He examined Niyazov's DNA and blood, and it was understood that Niyazov had maintained his ethnic purity for 2,000 generations. Genetic anthropology has determined that the ancestors of more than 1 billion people, including all of Europe, Russia, Indians and northern Indians, descended from this Central Asian Niyazov's family. Wells took blood and DNA samples from 2,000 people in Kazakhstan. Of these, Niyazov's is extraordinarily important. Because Niyazov comes from a family that lived here 40 thousand years ago. Niyazov, a membe...
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Ertuğrul Demirözcan
TURK IRKI NASIL DOGDU VE GELISDI VE BUGUN.. PROF. SPENCER WELLS Hemen başta söylediği: Yaşam Afrika’da başlamışsa da, bakılıp büyütüldüğü yer, Orta Asya’dır. Bu video’da Spencer Wells, Kazakistan’da yaşamakta olan Niyazov’a giderek tanışıyor ve anlatıyor: Wells’e göre; insanlığın ortaya çıkışı 60 bin yıl kadar önce Afrika’dan. Yine ona göre, 45 bin yıl kadar önce asıl çoğalma ve yayılma Orta Asya’dan olmuş. Niyazov’un DNA’sını ve kanını incelemiş ve Niyazov’un 2 bin kuşaktır etnik saflığını koruduğu anlaşılmış. Tüm Avrupa, Rusya, Kızılderililer ve kuzey Hintliler dahil, 1 milyardan fazla insanın atasının bu Orta Asyalı Niyazov’un ailesinden geldiği genetik antropoloji ile belirlenmiş. Wells Kazakistan’daki 2 bin kişiden kan ve DNA örneği almış. Bunlardan Niyazov’unki olağan dışı önemli. Çünkü Niyazov 40 bin yıl önce burada yaşamış olan bir aileden gelmekte. Genetik olarak M 173 –yani Orta Asya işareti- denilen DNA damgasını taşıyan ilk kab...